Twenty Years Old

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At Twenty, Jessie had to start attending events at the Day Court as an official member of the court. Not a child anymore, she had to accept duties and responsibilities, not only as part of the court, but part of Helions family.

There wasn't much work for her to do, as she was the first female in the High Lords family in centuries, but it had allowed her the freedom at least to go to and from the Night Court as she wanted alone.

She could go to any other court with a guard as well. So she could visit her grandmother more if she wished.

Jessie loved the fact that she had more freedom. She wasn't a little kid anymore, she could visit her family. She had to be careful, as there was a target on her back. Even if no one would act against her, she did still have a target.

The only Court that Jessie was forbidden from going to unless absolutely necessary, and even then, she had to go with her father, was the Spring Court.

Jessie didn't know why, and no matter how many times she tried to ask her father, he refused to answer her. Her mother wasn't any help either. She had given up trying to get her answers from her parents through eavesdropping, as they never spoke about it.

The one thing Jessie hated, she truly loathed, about being an official member of the Court now, was attending balls. She absolutely hated balls. Tight, uncomfortable gowns, with shoes that pinched her toes all night. Her hair full of pins and clips, since she insisted on keeping it no longer than her shoulders now. Proper way to stand, and the proper way to greet people. She had to learn the dances, and when it was appropriate to have a drink.

But the worst part about balls, the part she hated the most, was that she was expected to stay with her parents through each one, so she could learn the Proper Ball Etiquette.

There was a Ball that night, celebrating the 32nd anniversary of winning the war against Hybern. This Ball was held annually, in the neutral territory carved out of the Human Lands. As far as Jessie understood, they held this Ball in the human lands because everyone was still wary of going to the neutral space in the mountain in The Middle. This was the first year Jessie was to attend this Ball, as part of the Day Court.

That night would be the first ball Jessie would be allowed to leave her parents side and socialize. That night would change her life forever.

Jessie had stood off to the side, as she watched her parents dance, it was one of those moments, that she was taken aback at the amount of love they had for each other. If she looked close enough, she would be able to see them glowing. She could only hope to have the kind of love her parents had one day.

A quick look around the room had told her where the rest of her family was. Her uncle Eris was also dancing, he was dancing with his wife. The pair had been married for six months. She noticed her grandfather speaking with her grandmother, and decided she very much did not want to know what they were speaking about, judging by the surprise on her grandmothers reddening face.

Her aunt Nesta was on the sidelines, looking as if she desperately wished to join the dancing, but she couldn't, as she was in the late stages of pregnancy. She seemed to keep a tight grip on her uncle Cassian, almost looking like, if she couldn't enjoy herself and dance, than he wouldn't be enjoying himself either.

Her aunt Feyre and uncle Rhys looked to be laughing with the High Lord of the Summer Court, Tarquin. And with a little more searching Jessie was able to find her cousin. Nyx looked as if he was trying to convince a female to dance with him, and appears to be struggling at it.

This left Jessie, standing alone, at a Ball she very much did not want to be at, with no one to speak with. Normally she was stuck with her parents, and while they wouldn't be her first choice, she'd rather be able to speak with them, rather than be alone.

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