Ch. 5 - Purple Hearts

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The sound of an in-coming message got Kita's attention. He halted in his writing as he looked over his phone. Picking it up, he saw a text message from Y/n.  

hey! i was wondering if you're not busy.. could you help me with the math homework??

Kita smiled, typing in a reply.


great meet me at (location of a cafe)

Without another thought, Kita puts on a hoodie over his shirt and collected his math books and shoved them into a bag pack.

Kita rushed out of his room and told his grandmother he'll be out to study with a friend. Putting on his shoes and bid the old lady a good bye and went out, closing the door on his way out.

Once he was at outside the cafe, he looks through the cafe windows, he saw a girl drinking a (insert drink here). Smiling as he saw her being content with her drink.

Kita walks in to the cafe, the sound of the bell chiming on top of the open door got the attention of Y/n. Looking up she smiled at the dual haired male, he gladly returned the smile and made his way over to the booth that she was sat at.

"Hello," Y/n greeted him, he replied with the same greet as a waiter came over to take his order.

After ordering, Kita took out his book. "So what do you need help with?" he ask.

Y/n turned her book around so it was facing the male and pointed at a question she had been trying to solved. "This," she exclaimed.

"Oh, I can help you with this," Kita said and proceed to help her answering the question.

* * *

Kita and Y/n agreed on to take a short break from doing homework and ordered some snacks.

Kita was trying to answer some easy questions when his phone 'ding' to notify him of a new text message. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he saw Y/n's name on his screen. Kita looks up to her to see that she's enjoying her sandwich and not making eye contact with him.

Opening up the message, Y/n sent him a purple heart emoji. He raised an eyebrow at it.

"L/n," he called her. She looks up at him with a smile. "Why did you sent me a purple heart emoji?" he ask.

Y/n's face slowly got redder with a sheepish look. "Oh, um.." she started. "I would tell you the meaning of it but I don't think this is a good time for it."

"What do you mean?"

Kita eyed her expression, her eyes not looking at him instead on the table, her blush evident on her face.

"I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable so I think you should search it up later," Y/n said. "Anyways, let's get back to finishing homework."

Kita simply nodded, not pushing her to answer his curiosity. Like she said, she didn't wanted him to feel uncomfortable so might as well drop it for now. And with that, they both got back onto doing their homework.

After a few hours at the cafe, Kita and Y/n went home.

Once Kita was home he went into his room and sat by his desk. His eyes wandered over to his phone next to his arm. Then he remembered about the emoji that Y/n sent him.

Kita grabbed his phone and search the meaning of the purple emoji up. A few seconds later, his face became as red as a tomato.

The purple heart means physical attraction.

Was what he read. Even so, he understood what it meant. How does the feeling touching the hands of someone you like felt? The feeling of having a physical contact with the one you like?

Of course the thought never went through his mind before, people will think that it was weird but some will see it as something what they would want to do with their significant other.

But what was Y/n trying to say by sending him a purple heart emote? It could mean a lot of thing, like the thought of hugging a friend. Was that what she meant?

The thought of Y/n only sees Kita as a friend slowly broke his heart. Why? Why would it break his heart? Y/n was simply a friend, but was that what he wanted to see her as now?

He doesn't know.


word count: 733
ayeee, this book is slowly coming to an end!!

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