2 - Preliminary Investigations

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You tapped the end of your pen against your chin, the clipboard held close to your body as your encircled the exuvia for what was possibly the twentieth time in the past hour. Zhongli watched you in silence, allowing you a distraction free zone until you required his assistance.

He already knew what his part in the death was to be, but he had been contracted to work alongside you by the parlour and he would fullfill that request as soon as you had come to your starting point.

You let out a long sigh as you came to a stop "is everything alright?" Zhongli inquired.

You shoved the pen into your pocket, discarding the clipboard on the nearest table as you turned to face Zhongli "I need to see the scene"

"The scene?"

"Yes, where the body fell, where it happened. I think that will help"

"Very well" Zhongli nodded, leading you out of the room and through the streets of Liyue to the pavillion where the rite of descension had taken place a mere 24 hours prior. You both walked largely in silence, though it wasn't awkward and rather was consumed by you trying to think of the possible suspects; most of your thoughts returned to other archons as the culprit as surely they were the only possibility.

"Ah, Mr Zhongli!" you were shaken from your thoughts as someone called out to Zhongli, the two of you stopped to see the eloquantly dressed woman sauntering over to you. She smiled a small delicate smile towards you as she addressed Zhongli "is this the lucky-"

Zhongli coughed, cutting the woman off "as I said earlier, the perfume is intended for the rite of parting, not for a lover"

She giggled, assuming he was trying to cover something up, despite your obviously confused expression as to what this exchange was between the two of them "well, here is your order. Made with the best fresh ingredients as you requested, I hope it is to-" she spared a glance towards you "-your liking"

"Thank you, Ying'er" Zhongli bid the woman farewell as she waved towards you both, returning from where she had come from.


Zhongli nodded "it is an essential ingredient in the rite of parting"

You looked up to him "rite of parting?"

"Ah, of course you may not be aware of such a thing. It is a formality after the passing of the geo archon, in a similar way to the rite of descension it needs very specific items in order to be preformed correctly . . I believe it will also help the people be at peace with the events"

"I see" you nodded, though not fully understanding why perfume was an ingredient, but you weren't exactly well versed in rites and rituals, having only ever touched on a few in reading "you seem very calm, Zhongli"

"Do I?"

"Since arriving here, I can feel the heavy atmosphere in the air, hanging around each and every citizen in Liyue over the death of Rex Lapis. I don't blame them, of course, it's perfectly natural for them to feel sadness and desperation over the event, in fact even Hu Tao appeared to be somewhat shaken by it, and yet . . " you looked up at him ". . you seem almost content"

"Death is natural, is it not?"

"For us, sure, but for one of the seven archons?"

"Even archons must be laid to rest eventually" he mused "I see it as the natural circle of life catching up on those who have lead longer lives than most, to have been here millenia before Liyue even existed, to have watched those you called friends be killed for their weakness or to see them turn hungry for power, . . . surely such a long life must deserve to finally end"

To Solve a Case, to Forge a Contract - Genshin Impact Zhongli X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now