A New Place

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Adeline didn't know what to expect when she was led into a different club. As soon as Rossi stepped inside, ordering 'out' to the guests, the people hurried out. Only his men and a few dancers stayed. The dancers were cleaning up, straightening out their dresses and making sure their makeup was presentable.

Rossi shouldered past his men, gesturing for a few of them to come. He glanced back at Giovanni beside Adeline and gave him a nod. They disappeared into the back and Adeline looked to Giovanni, "Where-"

"Best you stay out of it." Giovanni muttered, tugging her along towards the dancers, "You'll do better here." He stopped at the dancers, giving a soft smile to one of the prettier blonde ones, "Ryland, this is.." he looked down at Adeline.

Adeline drew in a breath, "Adeline."

"Adeline." Giovanni stated, "Show her around, would ya? Boss is gonna need me."

Ryland smiled and nodded, "Sure." Giovanni released your arm and walked off where Rossi had disappeared to.

Ryland looked Adeline up and down, "He get you to be a dancer?"

Adeline licked her lips, "I... I don't know... he made me.." she trailed off, unsure of herself. Realization passed over Ryland's face, a look of sympathy.

She quickly swept the pity off her face, "That's fine, honey. I'll make sure Jessie gets you something to eat." She looked to a redhead who nodded and ambled off.

Adeline let the woman tug her along, shocked these women were being nice. Candy and Gem had been assholes and hated her right away. Here, they seemed to feel bad for her or something. Adeline was forced to greet people she didn't know, a few men and women. Men eyed her, but once Ryland explained Boss brought her in, they backed off.

Before she knew it, she was sitting down at a table and eating chicken tenders. They were really good, better than the crappy fries Lucius served. Ryland sat down next to her, smoking a cigarette. "So, where'd you come from, Adeline?"

Adeline swallowed her chicken, "Lucius Galding's club."

Ryland frowned, "No, I mean, before that. Who were you before then?"

Adeline drank her water, "I... It's been a long time... I remember being a waitress for a bit.." Ryland gave her a sad look and nodded, puffing out smoke.

Ryland flicked her cigarette into the ash tray in the middle of the table, "Gio didn't say what you'd be doing?"

Adeline's eyebrows furrowed, "Huh?"

"Gio. Giovanni. He's the Boss's right hand man. If anyone knows why you're here, it's him." Ryland explained. "He didn't say anything?"

"No... I-.. he was nice..?"

"Yeah, Gio's like that. He seems like a mindless brute, but he has a heart." Ryland said, shuffling back in her seat. She looked Adeline over, "I would give you a place to sleep with us girls, but if the Boss has plans for you.. I'm not meddling in that."

Adeline sighed, "Is the Boss... is he bad?"

"Bad, how, honey? He's a mobster, a criminal."

"No, is he... as a person, is he bad..?" Adeline asked quietly.

Ryland gave her a once-over, "He's the Boss. He doesn't speak much unless it's to make a deal or put someone in their place. He's as hard as they come, runs his father's business since he was twenty. He doesn't take no for an answer and he gets what he wants. Whatever he wants."

Adeline shivered, "What do you think he wants with me...? Doesn't he have enough women..?"

Ryland sighed, "Honey, I don't know. He takes what he wants. You're probably just here to infuriate your previous boss. If anything, be happy you're here instead of there. He may be hard and controlling, but he keeps everyone safe, feeds them, makes sure they have a place to stay."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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