Chapter 3 The heist part 1

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Hey, Naintarlow checking in.

This chapter focuses more on the present part of the story but don't worry we will focus on the past too next chapter. From the little scene in this chapter, all of us can tell where I am going with this.

Also reintroduction of a Rebel character who I genuinely liked and hoped to see more so I decided I would do it myself.

A few hours earlier

"Dev, my friend. I knew you for a long while and I usually trust your judgment but what you propose is even more hare-brained than any of your plans before." Silk told him in an unamused voice, his large arms crossed in front of his chest.

Ezra was talking to SIlk, the both of them sitting in a backroom of Silk's bar, with one of his staff filling in behind the counter. Despite telling his partner that he will get drunk, the former Jedi had a very different agenda in visiting the local watering hole and one of the few people on this moon that he trusted not to betray him for the promise of a quick paycheck.

"Oh come on, I came up with worse plans on the fly all the time. Compared to that, I actually put some thought to this one." Ezra argued as he sipped from his cup, he may have come here for help but that didn't mean he swore to stay away from the good stuff.

"Dev, I like you, you are one of the best freelancer smugglers I use for various jobs, and has the luck a devil that would make any Hutt salivate but I'm gonna be square with you, your plans are so bad usually, I don't know how did you survive up until now." Silk didn't look or sound angry as he stared him down but maybe his calmness was more disheartening than anything.

Silk was one of the best information brokers on the Smuggler's moon and was the best chance for Ezra to find the help necessary to break Rex out of the imperial prison. While the imperial presence was minimal and not that impressive, Ezra lacked the trustworthy crew and resources he knew he needed if he wanted to simply storm the prison and spring them out. That meant he had to use other methods and make up for any shortcoming on the fly.

'His plan gets worse all the time.' a painfully familiar sounded in his head and he closed his eyes, doing his best to close the memory out. It was so tempting getting lost in the memories but he knew well enough it wasn't healthy to live in the past, though his preferred method of dealing with said memories was hardly better.

Despite his best efforts to forget, there wasn't a day that he wasn't thinking about her, the regrets he had regarding what went between them. Part of him was convinced what he did was right, he would have only hurt her if he stayed, yet another hated himself for abandoning her too. Yet, when it mattered he still ran.

'Just hope he doesn't change it again.' despite his best efforts he found himself relieving that memory from so long ago, where everything, even the Force was different as the deep rumble of Zeb's voice echoed around him.

'I'm standing right here.' the grumpy words of his master were the final straw and Ezra chugged down the drink in his hand with the desperation of a drowning man.

There was no point dwelling on memories of a life long past. His family was gone, and the young, hopeful and still naive Jedi padawan was nowhere to see, only Dev Morgan, a scoundrel wanting to live an easy life with plenty of money to go around drinking and just simply be, no rebellion, no Force, no regrets in his mind. Some days, Ezra wondered how many times he had to tell that to himself until he finally believed it?

The drink burned his throat, it was enough to bring him back to the present and help focus on the matter at hand. Opening his eyes, he met the black eyes of his favorite bartender. The older humanoid was watching him with a strange mixture of sympathy and wariness. Not that surprising, he must have looked quite odd at that moment.

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