𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎...

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Tommy's pov ( third person )

Tommy is running down the fortress halls, running past wither skeletons, Gasts and piglins. They look at him weirdly, but know that's how the kid acts.

Tommy is apparently on his way to his best friend, Magma the blaze. The first time they met, Magma defended Tommy from the other blazes, them instantly clicking. They we're really best friends, Magma would protect him from anyone/anything.

Tommy was out of breath when he reached the blaze spawner, and quickly ran around trying to find Magma.

He finally spotted him, and ran towards him with a big bright smile. He hugged him tightly, Magma making sure not to burn the young boy.

Tommy had small red wings on his back, and had ocean blue eyes. He had dirty old clothes, a basketball tee and some blue baggy jeans.

Tommy almost weighed nothing, his clothes being too big for the fragile boy. But he was still a master at running, making good decisions fast and being incredibly smart.

He learned all of this from piglins, and had helps him understand and talk piglin greatly. He could now speak 2 languages, English ( which he barely uses ) and piglin.

Back to Magma and him, they we're actually on a walk through the warped forest near the fortress. Tommy could hear endermen speak in the distance, and foot steps coming from a nearby Bastion.

Magma and him speak trough emotions, like Tommy could tell what Magma wanted to say, just by looking at his emotions.

While they talked, Tommy remembered that his food supply was low, so he said bye to Magma and went to collect mushrooms for mushroom-stew.
It was the only good and healthy food there, that he could actually eat.

To his luck, he found about 15-20 red/brown mushroom each. So he had at least enough for 1 week or so.


~Time skip~
( 4 hours )

( still Tommy's pov- )

Tommy was laying in his his "room" in the fortress. The wither skeletons had let him stay there, and they are now great buddy's.

His chests we're filled with gold, old bowls and mushrooms of course.

He didn't really have a "real" bed, he just slept on a old crusty mattress he had found.

Time passes by, and Tommy is starting to get bored. He gets up from the bed, and goes to explore the fortress more, even tho he's lived here for about 9 years-

Philza's pov ( third person )

Phil and his to sons where in the nether. They had been looking for a fortress for ages, and Wilbur didn't help. The only thing he did was to complain.

After at least 30 minutes, we decided to take a break by a lava pool. I take out some bread and water I had packed, just in case. My sons devoured the bread bites in second, their water bottles as well.

Continuing our search for a fortress, we managed to actually finally find one. It was like any other, but it seemed peaceful in a way..?

𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 ( 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 )Where stories live. Discover now