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( prison au :) basically instead of exile, Tommy gets locked in the prison- )

Tommy's pov:

I was sitting in court, because me and Ranboo had accidentally burnt George's house down, when we simply wanted to just prank him.

"I can't believe you Tommy, seriously, burning George's house down...?" Tubbo said, with disappointment clear in his voice.

"You know I was also apart of this, right Tubbo?" Ranboo said, but Tubbo just ignored him.

I could feel the tension in the air. I was shaking, wondering what would happen. I overheard a conversation with Dream and Tubbo befor the court, about locking me in the prison so I would stop causing trouble or some shit.

"Tommy, I will make my choice of locking you in the prison, or letting you freely walk around L'manburg, in a week". Tubbo said coldly, exiting the room.

I was shocked. Me and Ranboo definitely did the same damage to the house, and I get the consequences? That's so unfair.
I hear Ranboo trying to convince Dream to give him a punishment as well, but he just ignored it.

When I walked out of the courthouse I could feel people's glares in my neck, staring at me menacingly. I feel myself shiver. What was I gonna do..?

#6 days until Tubbo's decision

I was sitting at the bench, getting a soft breeze trough my hair. I was also feel my clothes move with the wind, I hadn't eaten all day.
I just stopped having an appetite for food I guess, but my appetite for pain was much more craving. Maybe I was just nervous...?

I could feel myself slowly going insane at the thought that my own best-friend locking me up in some kind of prison to make me stop causing trouble.

*Maybe if I feel pain, the stress will go away..?* I think to myself.

*Wouldn't hurt to try I guess*

I stand up from the bench and slowly made my way to my house. I push open the door, closing it behind me, locking it.
Wouldn't want ghostbur to see me like this, right?

I go to the small kitchen and grab a small knife, going to the bathroom. I lock the door, and slowly press the sharp metal blade on my skin.

I flinch at the pain, but for some reason I enjoy it. I make about 3 cuts on my arms each, feeling greater than ever. I felt relieved, relaxed.

#5 days until Tubbo's decision

I was sitting by Wilbur's grave, singing his favorite song. I really fucking missed him. He was the only one that listened, and cared about my opinions. Until he went crazy of course.

Even though I know it wasn't my fault he died, I just couldn't stop feeling guilty about his death.

I had an enderpearl in my hand, and if I just had thrown it, I could have taken the hit instead of him. I could have save him, but decided to be paralyzed by fear.

I feel the tears treating to fall, but I hear sounds coming from behind me.

"Tommy..? What are you doing here?"

I turn around to see non other that Quackity himself.

"Visiting Wilbur, you know? Just- I wanted to sing for him for the last time". I said, feeling my body going numb.

"What do you mean by last?"

"Oh, you weren't sitting next to Tubbo at the court? Quackity. I'm not stupid. I know what he's gonna pick". I say in a monotone voice, seeing Quackity shiver.

𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 ( 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 )Where stories live. Discover now