is it really worth it?

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Stefania woke up at 7am the next day and the first thing she thought about was what happened yesterday... she smile without any control about it because she was so happy about everything...her life was kind of perfect she thought. She got all dressed up and took her phone to check some messages, the first thing she saw was one from Danielle which said "hi beautiful, I hope you slept well, see you today on set!" She smiled again and texted back "hiii bella, yes I am heading out of my trailer right now." The message was read by Danielle 5seconds after she sendet it to her and she texted back "Yes, I am waiting for you!" So Stefania got her jacket and Jeff and opened her door. She had a little heart attack while she looked outside because Danielle stood right before her trailer and laughed at her because Stefania looked so cute when she got scared. Danielle came up to her and hugged her tighter than the last time and it still felt so good and safe to be with her, Stefania thought. Both walked to the make-up trailer like yesterday and got their Make-up ready. While they got their makeup done, they started feeling a little bit embarrassed because no one talked and it was just silence in there... they looked at each other at the exact same time but didn't know what to say and just started laughing again like they always do. For the next scene they didn't need to shoot together because it was just a phone call, so they had to go to different locations. After the shot they met at a little car where people could buy coffee and things, Stefania was standing there buying one and Danielle walked to her "hey sweetie" she said "one coffee please" and looked to the seller and then to Stefania. As they both got their coffee they sat down at one of those tables. They looked at each other and Danielle asked her "how is your day going so far bella?" It is doing great, what about yours?" She answered. "It's going well too!! We need to go doing something together when we aren't on set" Danielle replied. They tried to figure out what both of them like and agreed on going swimming in one of those little lakes near to Danielles house. „Meet at 7pm today?" Stefania asked. „YES of course, see you!" Danielle stood up from the table and left because she had to shoot some more scenes and Stefania walked back to her trailer where she gave Jeff some food and laid down. „Well I guess I'm trying to sleep for a few hours now till it's 6pm. I don't need to be this tired later." Stefania thought and fell asleep a few minutes later. After time she heard weird noises in her dream... some loud noises. At one moment she just woke up and realized that Danielle was knocking on her door and waited for her. Stefania changed her clothes faster then ever and opened the door „hey, there you are!" Danielle said. „Yes... I fell asleep I'm sorry" „It's okay, i mean you are awake now so it's okay i guess." Danielle hugged Stefania like she always does when they see each other and then both started to walk to see little cute lake. They walked for half an hour and it wasn't boring or anything, it was great! They talked about things like family and friends and when they arrived at the lake there was a pretty sunset and both searched for a place to sit down. They found one near to the water on some stones and sat down, Both just sat there watching the sunset until Stefania stood up and took of her clothes. Danielle asked what she was doing and Stefania answered „im going to swim?! What did you think?" and laughed. „idk" Danielle said and giggled and took of her clothes too. Both of them had a swim suit under their clothes and ran into the lake. They swam around and met in the exact middle of the lake right before the sun. The view was just perfekt and they looked into each other's eyes. Danielle came a little bit closer and said „isn't it beautiful here?" „yes" Stefania answered and took a step towards to Danielle. Both were just one little step apart... They looked into each other's eyes more and more tighter and Danielle smiled until Stefania smiled back and both thought the same thing... they walked closer until they could feel the others breath and then they kissed, they closed their eyes because it was one of those amazing first kisses with one person you really love. Both felt so loved and save at the same time. After the kiss both looked into each other's eyes again and smiled. „you know we have to hide this" Danielle said „yes I know" Stefania answered „but we got this! You are magic!" Both walked out of the water and put back on their clothes and walked back to Danielles house. When they came there Danielle asked if Stefania would like to stay over the night and she agreed. They laid down in Danielle's bed and just talked about the little things in life until Danielle fell asleep... Stefania was still awake so she thought, thought about everything...Is is really worth it? Then she fell asleep too...

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