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The day after Stefania was the first who was awake and thought about getting out of bed and getting ready because both of them had to shoot some scenes today. She finally decided to get up and went to the bathroom to get ready, she was taking a shower when she heard steps walking towards the bathroom, it was Danielle. Stefania realized that she didn't lock the door and was just hoping that Danielle don't want to go to the bathroom, but she wanted to brush her teeth, so she went straight into the bathroom, opened the door and saw Stefania in the shower. Danielle doesn't seem to be that scared, that she saw Stefania naked and just stood there and started brushing her teeth. Stefania was afraid to get out of the shower.
After Danielle brushed her teeth she looked at Stefania, who was still showering, and scanned her from the bottom to the top and smiled, Stefania asked her: „Danielle?! Are you okay, what are you doing?" Danielle smiled more and more and opened the door of the shower and stepped into the shower next to Stefania, Stefania was really confused and didn't know what to say...she just scanned Danielle like she did. Both stared into each other's eyes for 5 minutes straight and finally kissed each other but not the way that did at the sea more like the hot kissing. Danielle grabbed Stefanias waist and Stefania started grabbing her chest and both kisses each other more and tighter. They had really good sex in the shower and during that Stefania thought about that she never had something like this with a woman and she felt so safe but still scared. After 40 minutes of having sex under the shower the water begann to get cold and both stepped out and took a towel to dry themselves. They stood there in the bathroom without talking and did random stuff to fill the silence in some way but at one point they looked into each other's eyes and kissed again, before the kissing turned into other things Stefania stopped and said "Danielle we have to go to work" and both went down into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Stefania made her famous French toast for Danielle and her. "Omg Stefania, this shit is amazing."Danielle said with some toast in her mouth which made it very difficult for Stefania to understand. "Thank you Bella" she answered and smiled in this very weird way, because the whole situation was just to funny.
After breakfast both made their way to the to but in different cars because they didn't want the other cast members to know what was going on between them.
Danielle had her first scene with jaina, they had to shot an arguing scene and after that Stefania and Danielle had a shoot together where they are having a little sex scene.
In the middle of shooting the sex thing, Danielle begann to get a little wet and horny and whispered into Stefanias ear "you wanna met in my trailer after this?" and looked around to make sure no one heard what she said except Stefania.
As they both agreed they met in Danielles trailer and started kissing directly, Danielle grabbed Stefanias neck and went down with her hands to stefs breasts and started to massage them. Stefania moved her hands to Danielles ass and took of her panties while Danielle still massaged her breasts. Both started to move to the little bed in the trailer and Danielle laid on top of Stefania and they kissed each other more and more until Danielle went down to Stefanias pussy and started to lick it, Stefania moaned to load that they were afraid of others hearing them but they kept going. Danielle started using her fingers and moved them in and out that Stefania had to cover up her mouth so no one could hear her moan. Both wanted to change positions when they heard jaina scream their names and just stopped moving and were in shook. After 10 seconds of not moving they jumped out of the bed and took their clothes on and Danielle went out first with her hair being completely weird. Jaina looked at her with a very confusing look and when Stefania went out after her Jaina lost her mind completely. All of them didn't know what to say so Jaina started telling them why she searched for them... "so uhm we were looking for you two to shoot the next scene, what did you guys do in there?" "Uhm..." Danielle started to speak and luckily Barrett screamed all over the set "Jaina,Danielle,Stefania where are you" and the conversation endet right there. Jaina walked towards Barrett and behind her Danielle and Stefania talked quit about what just happened. "Let's talk after the shoot in my trailer" Stefania said and Danielle agreed.
So after the scene they went to Stefanias trailer and sat down on the bed, the same bed they had sex in just in another trailer. Danielle got right into the conversation and talked about how well the sex with Stefania is and that she really loved it but Stefania stopped her right away and said "Danielle... with talking I meant the real talking with facts and stuff. A d Danielle stopped smiling in the same second Stefania spoke that sentence.
"uhm yes so" Stefania started talking "I don't think that we should continue doing this, because we aren't allowed and it's way to risky for both of us". "So you think That we both should be just working partners" Danielle asked with tears in her eyes, but she tried to hold them back. "Yes I guess that's better for both of us..." Stefania replied and looked up to Danielle and saw her eyes tearing up. She hugged her very tight and whispered "this isn't an end it's just the wrong time..." "I still love you" Danielle said and went out of the trailer without saying anything. "So this is it?" Stefania thought "this cant be the end..." 
but maybe it is, maybe not...

(This isn't the last chapter:)

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