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♚𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠♚

1993➳ The Hospital Wing

The loud steps echoed across the vacant hallway, bouncing off the walls, while drawing the attention of nearby portraits. "Bloody Hell.."


"Is that?"

Madam Pomfrey came rushing out, swiftly collecting her patients and bringing them into the Hospital Wing.

The room was clean, ready for a year of Quidditch accidents and amortentia poisoning.
The two boys were laid on a stretch next to each other. Now that they were properly lying down, the similarities were prudent. They both had the same black hair, though one was more neatly trimmed even recognizable through the fire.

Pureblood Hair the matron thought to herself.

They had the same high cheekbones, pale skin, and aristocratic features. Their features must've been Blacks, yet their line died out with only Sirius Black, notorious serial killer on the loose, illegitimate? But, if the younger's hair were any indication, his outfit was a dead giveaway. He was dressed in robes, looking loose from the outside yet she knew better. One touch and you'd know these cost a fortune.

The older looking one had normal black robes with red trimming, must be a Gryffindor. Wouldn't be the first. The other wore green trimming upon his expensive robes, Slytherin.

Madam Pomfrey rushed around, summoning potions at incredible speed and treating the boys just as each drink, they seemed more and more healthy, adding a living tinge to their complexion and more strength to their bones. Dumbledore was quickly whisked away into the hall and after closing the curtains, Madam Pomfrey joined him.

Brisk steps were heard as the matron hurried out, and stood in front of Dumbledore, arms crossed.

"I suppose you have something to say to this, Poppy?" He suggested, eyes alight with a familiar twinkle.

"Why I do! Who are they?" Madam Pomfrey demanded with a curious expression upon her face.

"But I suppose the answer we all want answered," Dumbledore responded his mind wandering to memories years before, "Tell me, do you have a guess?"

"W-well," the Matron stuttered, unbelieving of her thoughts, "They have the Black features."
"Indeed, that is something I noticed as well."


"Ah, but Poppy, they seem to be as legitimate as can be."

Madam Pomfey's eyes widened into saucer pans as she realized what he'd implied, "Direct heirs?" She asked, wonder sketched upon her face. They would still be illegitimate..

"I see you have the right idea, but think closer," Dumbledore responded, though his words were amusing, his face was set in a  serious expression, hard as stone.

"B-but..you couldn't mean..well they're dead!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed, "Dead and a murderer."

"Yes, but see, they aren't what we recognize are they?"

"Well, no.." Her hands were beginning to shake, she clearly knew the consequences of what had occurred.

"That is correct, I believe time has given us a redemption round."

"Albus, these are.." she trailed off, unable to continue her sentence.

"Yes," his face grave, "Sirius and Regulus Black have been transported to 1993 from, seemingly, 1977."

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