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The flames curled around him, his mind was blissfully as peace only to be seemingly plucked out and put into something warm, putting his body at the right temperature, Warming Charm his mind helpfully supplied. Why thank you for that and not what's happening right now.

The last thing Regulus could remember was yelling, lots, anger. Yes, that's right, he was angry, Regulus tried digging for memories, but the only thing he could seemingly remember was his name was Regulus Arcturus Black, and he was mad.

There has got to be something else..

His eyes were dark as he turned upon his heel and walked off.

"Are you actually leaving?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

The words cut like a dagger, his eyes burned, and he lowered his head in shame.

"Right, leave, there's nothing else left here."

"Reg, you know I don't-"

"You do, I see the way you look at me you know? I'm not completely blind. We're better off alone, you have your new family I guess, which means you leave behind your old one. Merlin knows you never even liked us in the first place." Emphasizing the fact that he himself was included in us made the older falter in his posture, seemingly guilty and older, beyond his age.

"We have chosen our paths haven't we? I presume we won't be seeing eye to eye anytime soon?" Throwing in lighter words, not that it made much difference from the heavy tone.

"I-I haven't chosen a path yet," Reg said, the two both knew they were lying to himself.

"Reggie, your path is already chosen for you, and, quite frankly, I don't know if you'll be able to sway your way out." Sirius said, his tone leaking no emotion, "You have to choose a side, light or dark, life or death, good or bad."

"But that's it! The world isn't split into good people and Death Eater. We've all got both light and dark inside us, what matter is the part we choose to act on, that's who we really are."

"Then which part are you acting on?" Sirius' voice wavered, but he didn't wait for Regulus' response as he opened the door and slammed it shut, Regulus could hear the opening of the window as Sirius placed a Cushioning Charm and jumped out, running away.

"I'll fight for you, brother," but he never had the time to say that.

His eyes blinked open, eyelids heavy and he could see nothing except absolute white. As the room came into focus, he could tell he was surrounded by white medical curtains, Regulus had been in there on many occasions, despite not even being a chaser, he was hurt a lot even as a seeker. A seeker?

Someone must've found me and brought me here. But..how did I get hurt in the first place?

He remembered flashes, a mop of dark hair, the sound of a vial breaking, the roar of fury. What had happened?

Regulus could now feel a cold liquid being poured down his throat, it had a bitter taste, but 'no pain, no gain' and he could feel his body strengthening from it. His arms felt heavy and he could feel he had a cast upon his left hand, Mother would not approve of muggle remedies. Although mediwitches and wizards often used casts, Regulus had only been put in one only for it to be practically ripped off his arm.

His senses were on alert and he could tell that there were footsteps scurrying around, probably the matron, "Hello?" He winced, his voice sounded hoarse as though he hadn't used it for years, not to mention how undignified his first word was, Mother would be ashamed.

There was no response except the sound of rustling from the bed to his right, he turned to face the right only to come face-to-face with a bright array of colours.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Black," Dumbledore said, amusement laced his words yet if Regulus had looked up, he would've seen stone-cold seriousness.

"What-who-why am I here?" Wincing at his lack of proper speech, there it was again, a rustle of a bed to his right.

"I was hoping that was what you could tell me," Dumbledore replied, with an inquiring tone.

"I don't remember," yet he wished he could, there were so many blank spots, how did he end up hurt?

𝐀𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ⇰ 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐔𝐒 𝐀. 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now