One-Shot #3: A love like this

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"Yeah, she is pretty damn hot, she'd look good on my bed!" Armin heard that horse faced asshole Jean say.

Armin was tired of everyone wanting his friend, (y/n) in their pants.

Armin goes up to jean and pushes him.

"You sick, twisted pervert! (Y/n) would never be in your pants, or anybody's! You would never understand her!"

Jean's eyes fill with rage and he pushes him back.

"She's hot and she's nice, that's all I need! (Y/n) is perfect!" Jean yells back.

Armin storms out and walks to your house.

You hear a small knock at your door.

"Come in?" You say in a questionable tone.

The door is pushed open with great force and armin storms in and starts pacing back and forth.

"(Y/n), are you sure you can take this? People talking dirty about you? Wanting you in their BED? Because I'm sure as hell not okay with ANY of that." Armin yells in anger.

You look down.

"Only of he knew my past"

"I-I don't know... Honestly," you say in a monotone voice while twiddling your fingers.

"(Y/n)! Why are you okay with this?! It is nasty, sick and perverted!"

"Because... It has always happened..."

Armin looks at you with eyes of confusion.


Armin sits by you and you reveal your dark past to him. As you start to cry Armin wraps his arms around you and rocks you back and forth.

"Why would you care? Nobody ever did, but you do... Why?" You say as your voice cracks very little.

Armin replies with a very different answer.

"It's because... I'm in love. I will never stop loving you, even if you don't love me! I love you and that's all that matters,"

You feel your cheeks heat up and you look down.

"W-wel-" he cuts you off by cupping your cheeks and pecking your lips then placing his soft lips upon your forehead.

You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face into his chest.

After that you never looked at anyone the same way as you did Armin.

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