All of one

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Heyy guys so this chapter has a spoiler for season 4 of my hero academia so if you don't want to get spoiled please don't read and im gonna be using "A" for all for one

Y/n: where am I

I was in this dark hallway their was no light darkness and a large wooden door at the end of the hall that was the only thing that I could see could see it seemed as if the air got thicker and it was hard for me to breathe

A: come to me

Y/n: nah fuck this shit I'm black ain't no fucking way in hell I'm looking in their

A: come to me now or else all those little friend that you have are going to die

Y/n:" damn this is not how i wanted to die atleast do double suicide with me" i said to myself

As i got closer to the room i felt almost unbearable evil as if when I opened that door it was going to consume me with it

I reluctantly opened the door and say this werid man with no face pale skin and tubes all over his body looking half dead standing at the end of the room kinda like prince Philip

Y/n: who are you

A: i am all for one you are in a dream state rn which means the plan is going exactly as planned

Y/n: wait what do you mean plan

A: nothing

Y/n:wtf do you mean nth what tf did you say about plan


A: you know what y/n listen to me and listen to me well continue to laugh smile and have fun with the same people you are going to kill one day just remember that I am the only reason you are alive and breathing today and you are not only a hero in training you are a cold blood villain just like me and the one's who killed your parents

And then he vanish it was like nth ever happened i was left in total darkness confused and helpless

thank you

love myfatpussy <3

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