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When I woke up Abbi and my sisters were awake, David was to just watching tv so he didn't wake me. I yawned"Morning everyone" I sat up stretching.  Nothing much happened at school nore the rest of the week. WEEKENDS ARE AWESOME! 


Jasmine invited me and Abbi to her house for the weekend. We gonna plan when me and Abbi got there. I packed up sayed bye to my family and head out just when Abbi did. We walked to her house, it wasn't very far. We talked about some thing we could do. Makeup,hair,games,movies,ice cream,fangirl over boys we liked, etc. This should be awesome! I love weekends.

~~~Later that evening~~~

We did each other's make up and hair. We are now watching Nightmare on Elm street Jasmine is freaking out me and Abbi are fine its funny. I pause the movie. "Want to watch something else Jasmine? Or can you handle CHUCKIE?!" Me and Abbi fell back laughing and Jasmine fell to hide her face. "Sorry Jazzy, but that was funny. Lets watch something else. How about One chance To dance?" Jasmine jumped up "YEEEEEES" I giggled. We watched it five times. Each time me all said sometime when combat boots were 'treated'. "Combat boots are awesome!" Abbi was over excited about combat boots.


I woke up first, Abbi and Jasmine stubbornly got up too. We got changed. We're going to the mall. Abbi has $40 Jasmine has $30 and I had $50. We all have plently money. I buy this cute top that says I was to cute to be a Cheerleader So I play Field Hockey and some got some combat boots, so wearing that Monday. Abbi and Jasmine got bracelets that say I love boobies. There pretty cute. When we're heading out Abbi and Jasmine see these two guys from school and start talking. "Oh their cute.""Eleanor why don't you talk to them??" Um no"No thanks neither of them look up to what I like in guys you two can have them" With that being said they run over to the boys and start talking. I roll my eyes and go to get a smoothie to drink.

(What we all look like left to right. Jasmine, Me, Abbi https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHHJ_enUS614US614&es_sm=122&biw=1680&bih=925&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=girl+outfits&oq=girl+outfits&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.12875.15065.0.15879.


Thanks for reading my kitties~ Bye bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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