Good/Bad School Day

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Ugh I hate school but it's not so bad with Jasmine. Time for third hour. The first period I have with Amber.

Like normal Amber sat behind me and picked on me and put stuff in my hair. Jasmine will get it out at lunch which is after this period thank goodness. Amber had enough nerve to put three, THREE, spiders on me. I'm not scared of them and they did nothing to me. But I watched as they messed up Amber's work but one helped me with my work it was werid. Finally the bell rang and the spider hid in my bag. Amber better be ready. Because lunch is gonna be unexpected today.

This girl with black hair fading to purple was fighting back (Not physically but argued back) against Amber. She even used Amber's usual come backs against her. It was hilarious to me and Jasmine. We later caught up with her at the end of the school day. I even had my last four periods with her and Amber. Amber left me alone those periods. The bell rang after  Seventh hour and Abbi which is her name lockers are next to each other's. The three spiders of mine went to Amber's locker and put webs everywhere in there. Me, Abbi and Jasmine left laughing and just chatting. Abbi was my new neighbor! I'm so lucky, our windows even face each other.

After dinner my two little sister's (names came from AbbiGibson who i'm friends with on facebook.) Cassidy and Cassandra both rushed into my room while I was talking to Abbi. "Sissy! Momma left and put you in charge of us. Big brother went to his basketball game so it's just us three!" uh-oh. "Um Abbi wanna come over and help me please?" "Do you have ice cream and chocolate milk?" weird "Yeah why..?" "I'm coming over. Its movie night over there now!" Oh great. Hope mom won't get mad it will only be four girls. Two 14 year olds and two 4 year olds.

At 9:00pm David got home. All five of us ended up on the couch asleep. Me on David and Cassidy&Cassandra on Abbi. I guess when mom got home she put blankets on us. It was the best sleep over ever. Wish Jasmine was here though.

When I woke up Abbi and my sisters were awake, David was to just watching tv so he didn't wake me. I yawned"Morning everyone" I sat up stretching.  Nothing much happened at school nore the rest of the week. WEEKENDS ARE AWESOME! 

(Thanks for reading tell me what you thought in the comments below. Bye-Bye My Kittens/Loins Idk what to call you guys. COmment on what i should call you guys please. Oh and tell me idea's if you want to me make another story. Bye bye for real this time lol. BYE)

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