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Aurora's POV

this guy is checking my patients so, I pick my stuff and head out of the hall while he was still completing his sentence. I call Ishita to check where she was and I see her walking towards me. while going back to the hostels I tell her everything what had happened during the club time. she warned me to stay away from that jerk son or else I am gonna have a rough time. why is he like this and so rude all the time, I guess he doesn't even know how to smile. we go back to the dorms and I ask Ishita if she wanted to go out for a little walk and make me explore the near by cafe's. we get ready and leave the hostels and we meet Joshwa who driving his car towards the same place where we were headed to. Ishita called him and asked him for a ride since she is teaching me money management from now on so I don't suffer like her. Ishita also told joshwa about what had happened with me today and he was the only one who was happy about what I did, because he also doesn't like Stephen at all. and he told me that don't worry you will be free from him since tomorrow he is getting suspended tomorrow. I was surprised and asked him what actually happened and he is principal's son so how come he is getting suspended. Joshwa told that he is the vice princi's son so he has people above him and actually everyone was getting annoyed of him because he is too bossy. so people planned a swindle trap for him of some fight and he has no proof so he is getting suspended. I was impressed by the person behind all this. we bitched about him all the way and then we planned to go in a café named Cibo . Joshwa also planned to come along since he was also bored with the mess food. the place was quite good and I guess Joshwa had also become my friend now. we ate so much their, and I swear I will go there everyday to have their cold coffee mocha, god that place was amazing. we headed back to the hostels we talked shit while going back and then Joshwa dropped us and I could see Ishita was really happy and then I realised that she was crushing over him since a long time and she didn't even tell me till now, but I planned to keep my mouth shut because I didn't wanted to talk because I was so exhausted and even her so we just finished some work and took off to sleep.


Stephen's POV

I guess this is the last day of this month when I actually have to go out of my home for college. at least I don't have to bear all those nonsense people for a month. I don't wanna get suspended but I just cannot help it, so its better I take it positively upon myself. I get ready and head downstairs to eat my breakfast and prepared myself to hear some nonsense from my dad's mouth about this situation. i see my mom has made my favorite waffles, looks like only she is the person who actually loves me in this world. i sit down and serve myself some of it and as I was planning to have the best thing of the day my dad had to interrupt in the middle and start taunting me about being so shameless. that was so worn out by then I just left. my mom called me back but just couldn't and I was really hungry since I didn't have dinner last night so, I planned to drive myself to the only best café near by Cibo. as I enter the café look who I see again Aurora why is she every where and this time she is alone she is new to this place and still so confident to rome alone. she is sitting on a side chair waiting for her order but busy in her phone too. I walk to the counter and order myself a cold coffee mocha and a grilled sandwich I know this no time for snacks but this is the only thing I love right now. the man tells me to take a seat near by because it might take 20 mins. so i plan to grab a chair and near Aurora so I could entertain myself till then. I tell her "hello" and she gives me smile but a sarcastic one and goes back in her phone. I continue myself "that's rude" and she finally speaks something "look who is saying".

and she continues "by which I remember, I am not going to see your lunatic face for a month i guess so". wait did she just call me lunatic, i control myself and ask her "how do you know that ?" . she replies " words fly really quick on this planet". "ohh, i see you must be really happy then".

she says " look i have just know you for a day so sorry but it doesn't bothers me at all"

I said " well you are fool then, that you will not miss the most handsome face you have ever seen"

Aurora says "first of all eww, second thing you are a fool who fell for this trap and still cannot find any clue , that's Bravo!". looks like she knows the whole story.

"yeah of course now you might be thinking how could I hurt that little child and now i cannot find proof to save my ass",

she looked quite surprised and she asked me to tell her everything properly. I know I was wasting my time telling everything since it wasn't gonna help me to make everything fine but still I stared telling her.

" i was going to the café like normal days to meet my so called friends but then i saw this small girl who was a teacher's daughter alone so, I stopped my car to help ask her what was she actually doing there alone so i went and got her ice-cream from a near buy and gave it to her and then I saw her sister Emily told her to go to her and then i don't all of sudden she started screaming about something i had no clue about and the people came to support and those were some of my friends actually and then just began a fight so i fought back and it went to a extream level and i threw this guy on the footpath he seemed all fine and he was even laughing after that but the next day he was admitted in the hospital because according to everyone I broke his leg, and everyone supported him and i kinda have to bear this suspension".

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