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After sometime Suzain had left Ishita mad me sit on her bed. and then she stared with her lecture of staying away from the principal's son because he was only trouble to anyone. I tried explaining what exactly happened with me in the party and with him, I even told her that my idea saved him from suspension and all. and I know Ishita is my bestfriend and she is worried about me and she wants be stay out of trouble. she told me "Aurora I have been here in this college for a year and I have seen worst things happening here and it always included Stephen so it is better to stay away because he isn't good enough even for your time so just promise me that you will try your best to stay away from him ?" uhh the caring Ishita is back making me promise her stupid things. I felt so cute of her and just started smiling and she hit me so hard so I could speak something " okay. I promise you that I will try my best to stay away from that lunatic, but I am telling you that's tough since he is the president of the dance crew!" and she smiled at me and then we decided to watch a movie. I was really tired and I fell asleep even before the half of the movie.

Stephen's POV

i got up early today even i don't know how and still managed to skip breakfast because i had eaten so much last night. i somehow passed my whole day bearing the pathetic business classes. the only class which i enjoy is art because thats the one with no teacher continously speaking and the nerds raising their hand to answer. i just finished the lunch part and now i should my home for the activity or else i am gonna be late. this president's duty feels more like a watchman. i sat in my car and drove straight to the activity building.

i entered the hall gate while checking the time an i was right on time. everyone had already started with their warm-up routine at-least my crew mates understand that i am a human too.

i went to the benches kept my bag and picked out my water-bottle so i could hyderate a little for the session. i this year my crew can go to higher level than the previous time since we have such good dancers and even the new comers are really good. like Aurora who is so amazing and confident, like in dance she is amazing and she is really quick at learning too. she has already reached the second level of her learning the necessary moves she is so great at everything always happy enjoy her life. though she is new right now but she has settled so perfect, i am damn sure she might have made too many friends already. quite the lucky pretty girl, she had almost convinced me to tell her my secrets last night during the dance, but thank god she changed the talk. she is always so confident butright now she looks damn uncomfortable and she is just touching her chest, i guess she wore the wrong bra. i don't think she will be comfortable dancing today and then i got a idea to help her.

after everyone was done with their warm-up i asked them to come near so that i could tell them about the fest opening dance which we had to do. i told them all the rules and the type of songs which had to decide and the whole crew had to perform for it. i asked my vice president Max to decide with the group about the songs and the division for the types. till the time i started making formations and some beats which we could use. after sometime i hear people fighting which was really disturbing me to focus. i got up and turned around to see what actually was happening. oh god this girl cannot stop she always has to get my attention for everything. i went and stood between Aurora and the guy she was arguing with Max and told them to stop. and i asked max to tell me what was going on.

he said "she wants to add Spanish songs to the playlist which non of us have ever heard or danced on". Aurora cuts "yeah so we all need to learn something new we just keep dancing on the same type of songs and same language we should explore more" max continues "we have just a week we canot prepare so fast!" and then looks at me Aurora says "yes we can with a little extra time after 5p.m. "

and she folds her hands and she is too looking at me. oh god i cannot disagree to both because they both are right in their place. but i had to go with Max because of course he knows what he is doing and i had to support him because he is the VP.

"I think I am gonna go with max because he is more right here!" and I hear her whisper "of- course".

well she needs to understand that is my friend and the vice president so I had to support him.

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