☘️ chapter 10☘️

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I know most of you probably want to kill me know but I'm sooooo sorry 😔😔. I don't know what I can do to make it up 👉👈 . But don't worry I'll try to update 3 chapters a day in an interval of 3 hours . Again I'm sorry .
They're has been many things going on n I didn't know how to cope with but I'm good now 🙃 .
Sorry again !

S : Mi er ....

A: .....

S:( reaching out his hand to hold hers ) Mi er .... Talk to me

For some reason shivaay felt as though he had to explain whatever Anika saw but still , he wanted her to trust him , not to question him .

A : what ?

S: about what you sa....

Om : shivaay Anika your both here ...

The other 3 (OmArMall) came .

A : yeah we were waiting for you .

Ar : but wasn't shivaay talking to Tia

S: ( thinking ) why did they bring her up . Why in front of Anika .
Stop .... Stop..... Stop ..... Pls stop....

A : Tia ?
Om : yeah ! She's one of shivaay's best friends.

Ar : yeah they've been close since childhood .

Om : yeah shivaay once said he'll marry her some day . She's one of the few people he's close with .

A : Marry her !?

S : N..N..No who said that .

Om : come on shivaay ...

S : Om please not now ..... Mi er I ..

Ar : Mi er ? Whose that ?

A/s ☺️☺️☺️

M : my my you two ,, you never stop with the nicknames huh ?

Mallika said teasingly . They all cracked up except for shivika . Well Anika was still thinking of the whole Tia thing ... And shivaay was thinking on ways to apologize and make her understand.

Ar : shivaay you look distracted ..

S : huh... Huh... No I'm fine

A : I'm done .... I'm going to class

S : Mi er .... ( Going after her ) let me explain ... It's not what you think

( After they left )

M: what up with these two

Ar :I don't know but they've been close lately

Om : are they in a relationship

M : what ? If so she must be mad

Om : why ?

M: dumbo ... You've been talking about shivaay and Tia of course she's mad ..

Om : right .... Jeez he's done .

Ar: you guys are done ... They aren't together ... Okay

M : hey what's with that tone

Om : yeah dude why do you sound so overprotective  like an elder brother.

Ar : Anika is like a sister to me

Om : and shivaay like a brother .

Ar : Om pls

M : he's right though .

Ar: ooh pls , just .... Just drop this issue they aren't dating .


After that day Anika has been avoiding Shivaay .
Though at times the boys used to go to their place she would literally avoid looking at him , talking to him an what not .
And shivaay too had been avoiding her .( Aargh I've had enough of these two 😒)
It had already been a month .

Today Mallika and Arnav finally came forward with their relationship so they were at the girls house celebrating .

After some time they were wasted tired from all the jumping around .

Anika on the other hand had been vomiting and feeling nauseous lately .
And shivaay knew . Everytime he thought abt it he remembered that night .

Shivaay was on his way back home when he saw Anika with someone .
It was a man.
He was holding her waste so protectively .
Shivaay went green with envy but he didn't recognize the man .

" Don't worry princess I'll take care of you hmm "
That man said .

S : (thinking ) wtf who is this man . How dare he touch my woman ? He even dare to call her princess .... ( Trying to control his breathing ) don't worry shivaay Anika .... She's Anika .... Your Anika .... She won't do anything stupid ....

A : aaw you're so sweet ....

S : ( merely a whisper ) Anika

A : I love you so much .

Man : I love you too .

And they went into a small house together .

That was it .... Shivaay's world stopped .... He couldn't believe it .his eyes became watery ..

S : wow .... Just wow ... Here I thought she needed me .... I thought she was mad .... I .... I've been following her around like a fool .... Trying to explain it to her but she ... She... no wonder no one wants her around ..

(OUCH !!)

Remembering that day his face became red with fury and he went to sleep .
Soon they all went to sleep.

Early in the morning coincidentally shivika were the first to wake up .
Walking to the kitchen looking like a zombie Anika couldn't care less . For some reason she woke up feeling hungry ..... Sooooo hungry .

She found shivaay .

Still not in her right mind and forgetting that she wanted to avoid him ..

A : hmm ? Shiv ... ( Back hugging him ) what r u cooking huh ?

Suddenly shivaay jerked her hand suddenly n harshly .

A : shiv!!!

Oookay there we go ..
I'm 3 hrs I'll upload chapter 11 .
Hope you guys didn't loose hope in me and are still enjoying the book .

Anyeong 😘

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