☘️ chapter 4 ☘️

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A: shivaay they will kill me . Pls don't leave me .

S: Anika come down . No one is here . Okay do this you sit on the couch I'll go check .

A : ( literally jumping in him and putting her hands round his neck ) pls don't leave me shivaay I'm so scared . Pls don't go . They'll kill me

Shivaay who was startled by her move , wrapped his hands around her and caressed her hair .

S: ssh okay I won't leave I'm here with you . .... Let me take you to your room.

A : you won't leave me will you ?

S : of course not . I'll always be with you . Okay come let's go .

Annika was reluctant to let go of her hold on shivaay . Having no option left he took her in his arms .

S : ( placing her in her bed ) you sleep I'll be on the couch .

As he turned to go he felt a tug on his wrist , looking back he saw Anika holding him . Her face shinning in the moonlight .

A : c....c...can you pls ...... sleep here ....on the bed ....with me.

S: ......

A: pls Shivaay

S: but Anika

A : shivaay plz

S : fine .

Lying next time I her , he felt jitters in her s stomach . He didn't know why but he felt a certain  urge to hold her on his arms while they slept all of a sudden .

S : anika

A : hmm

S : why ar you scared if the dark ? Is it because of the movie ?

A : no , I mean yes I am a bit scared cause of the movie but what scares me more is smt else .

S : what is it ?

A : I'd rather not talk about it . Some things are meant to be forgotten otherwise all our lives fe will be filled with pain .

S : what's up he need to try to forget it when you can't ?

A: hmm?

S : what I mean is you clearly haven't forgotten it . That's why the dark scares you right ?

A : yeah

S: I think it's better to let it out .

A  : but the pain  ......it's just too much . I can't handle it alone .

S : but I'm here with you aren't I ? Don't you trust me Anika ?

A : shivaay I , I don't know , we don't know each other that wel and we're always fighting .

For some reason shivaay felt a pang in his heart . Just by the mere thought of her not trusting him  , made him uncomfortable .

By now both were laying on their sides facing each other.

S: so your saying you don't trust me ?

A : I didn't mean it like that . Shivaay I

S :  I think it's late you should sleep .

A : are to mad .

S : no no , why should I be mad ? Whatever you said was true. We don't know each other well and we are always fighting most of the time.

A :  so how about we can friends?

S : friends !?

A: yeah so what?

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