Chapter 2

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"Pathway closed till 18th September" and below it in big bold letters "NO TRESPASSING". I wasn't going to go all the way back so I discreetly stepped over the tape and dragged Charles underneath it. And we continued on the forbidden road.

It was dark now stars illuminated in the night sky. Trees hovered around us and creatures lurked in their burrows. The waterfall across the road rushed down like the blood in my veins. I silently took the the last turn...

But there...a human... trespassing the path as well. The man was walking on the path below me next to the metal fences of the army camp. But then I realised he was not alone but with a group nor a normal man but an army officer.  They all stopped suddenly. I hid behind a tree and tried to get a better look. The group all had white overlays and chunky black gas mask. I took a step closer holding Charles tight. And I slipped... I was falling but Charles grabbed on to my coat and pulled me up. I quickly hid and heard the group speak. It was very unclear it I had still heard some of it."Did you hear that, Someone is watching us, We must search the forest and we will continue tomorrow" As i heard this i grabbed my torch and shone it on the leafy carpet ahead of me  and ran home with my dog by my side. 

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