Chapter 3

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I entered my home, locking the door behind me. The wooden, square clock on the wall to the left read eight thirty-two. My mum was supposed to be back home but there was no sign of her. I waited and I was about the call her but then my phone started ringing it was her. I answered the call hoping that she was asking want I wanted from Chico's, the local takeaway.But it was something way different by different I mean she said that she was stuck at work and that she won't be coming home. I wanted to tell her about the group of people I saw but the phone line cracked and the call was ended. I was worried because this was the first time I was home alone- well I was with Charles. I went up the stairs and took a quick warm shower. Then ran into my room and fell asleep.

I woke up, tremebled, hoping that it was just a dream but it wasn't. Charles jumped on my bed and I stroked him for a bit. I walked to my mum's room- maybe she was back- but there was no sign of her.

It was a Saturday morning, The sun was rising to fill the day with hope. It was the perfect weather to go into the plain, which was in the middle of the forest. There was a playground where I hanged with my friend Daisy and beautiful calm lake making a perfect place to swim in the summer.

I called my bestie (Daisy) to come over, she arrived straight away. She stood in the doorway. Her ginger hair perfectly in two buns. She was wearing a white dress and pink sparkly sandals. Her blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight. I stared at her, in astonishment. Gazing...

'Hello,' she snapped " are you coming ? "

'Yes- sorrry. Wait ill just grab my bike from the shed'

I rushed into the garden and flung the door open. I took out my new bike. It was yellow. It had a basket with sunflowers clipped on to it. I had gotten out a couple months ago for my birthday.

I rode it out, slammed the door shut. I rode over to the front door, where Daisy was resting on her bike. And we rode off...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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