𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈

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It was January of 2014, the air cold and crisp in the city of Amsterdam when it happened. The management had always been strict with the group, but Ziva did not know these will be the consequences.
The band, One Direction, had gained popularity throughout the globe with their music and talent. Ziva was just another member. The only girl in a band of 5 boys. And she loved them all almost equally. Four of them were like her brothers, one actually being her twin. Younger twin.

They were doing their opening concert in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. The crowd cheered them on as the cold wind clashed with their sweaty bodies. Ziva was constantly looking at Niall, making sure the blonde boy was fine after his knee surgery that he had undergone. She could clearly remember the tears he had shed because he was scared. The doctors had advised him not to perform yet, but their management had other plans. They believed that Niall is perfectly fit to jump around like a goof on the stage and as much as Ziva wanted to be positive, she couldn't help but he worried. The smallest mistake and his stitches could open. This was the sole reason she was distracted all night.

As the boys closed the last night of the song, when it came to Ziva's part and she prepared herself for her high notes, something caught her eye. It was a phone being thrown on stage. Normally, Ziva paid it no mind but today, she saw it going in Niall's direction. She looked at Harry and he saw the phone too, he took the earpiece out and covered his mic "He'll be fine Ziva. Do not miss the harmony." He warned in his deep voice but Ziva paid him no mind. She kept looking at Niall, and the moment the phone hit his knee, she motioned for Zayn to continue with the harmony. He looked at her with confusion but said nothing.
Ziva immediately ran over to Niall and knelt down next to him "You okay Ni?" And she looked at his knee through his ripped jeans and saw the smallest spot of blood. Tearing a piece of the flannel that was attached to her waist under her black Malik hoodie with the number 13, she covered the knee with it. Knowing there was gonna be some type of bleeding later on, but not wanting to worry the Irish boy, she smiled at him "It's all good." But when she looked up, she saw tears in his eyes "What if.... what if the stitches reopen a-and I have to....." but he was cut off when Ziva leapt forward and evolped him into a hug. Despite being the same age with Ziva and Liam and Zayn, and Harry being the youngest, Niall was definitely the baby brother of the band. He still had his innocence after all these years in the spotlight.

Whispering small nothings into his ear, Ziva held onto him for like 5 minutes before the boys came. "You okay?" Louis asked first and Niall slowly nodded. The boys patted his back and they all decided to walk up to the ramp so they could end the show. Just as Ziva was about to leave, she saw Niall struggling to walk. So deciding to help him out, Ziva ducked a little and wrapped Niall's arm around her shoulders. She saw the boy look at her and shake her head but Ziva simply smiled. Walking down the ramp, the boy was wincing in pain yet still he thanked all the fans.

Not wanting to put too much pressure on it, Ziva took him down only till one platform and then returned with Niall. Just as the show ended and the curtains drew, Ziva set Niall down in his dressing room and yelled out "Can we get a parademic in here please?! Niall's hurt." Soon returning back to the room, she simply washed her face as the parademical staff rushed in to attend to Niall. The boys were off on their own, freshening up but Ziva was worried. She could see how much pain Niall was in.

A hand was placed on her shoulder and Ziva turned around to see Zayn standing with a comforting look on his face "He's gonna be okay." He whispered.
Zayn and Ziva had been standing for an hour, watching parademics treat Niall's knee. The other boys had eventually joined them and now, Ziva's head rested on Louis' shoulder when Paul came in with a sad look "Ziva, Joe wants to see you." At that, the boys stood up alarmed and even Niall's head shot up to where everyone stood. "What? Why?" He questioned and Paul shrugged "He didn't tell me." Ziva was frozen in place. She knew what was about to come. So, instead of saying something, she nodded and lifted her head up from Louis' shoulder. Louis held onto her wrist "You're not gonna go to Joe, alone." He spoke in a stern voice, Ziva shook her head "It will get worse if we keep him waiting." The boys wanted to argue but Paul stopped them "I'll be there with her." Still looking unsure, Ziva gave them a small and scared smile before freeing her wrist and running away before either of them could stop her this time. Niall went to stand up but fell back down on his couch because of his injury. "It's my fault." He murmured as tears fell from his eyes. The boys wanted to comfort him and assure him that Ziva would be fine but deep down they knew that Ziva with Joe, alone would never be okay. But, they put on a brave front for Niall. The Irish boy was already in pain and adding onto it by not comforting him would only make him worse. Harry stepped forward and sat on the couch. He pulled the blonde into his embrace as he patted his back "She's a big girl. She's gonna be alright mate." But those were just words.

Ziva was shaking as she followed Paul into one of the rooms backstage. She knew what was gonna happen. "He's not gonna touch you. Simon warned him last time." She whispered to herself again and again. Believe it or not, Simon had a soft spot for Ziva and when he learned what Joe had done, let's say he had never been more furious. Paul came to an abrupt stop in front of a gold colored door. He turned around to see her and gave her a sad smile "This is him." And Ziva rolled her eyes "I see he still likes to be..... extravagant." And Paul let out a small chuckle "I'll be right out. Don't worry." She smiled and hugged him "Thanks." And when he stepped outside, Ziva took a deep breath and knocked "Come in." His hoarse voice called out. Upon entering, Ziva was met with the Six foot tall frame, sitting in his 'boss chair'. "Ahh. Sweet Ziva. Being a bad girl I see." Ziva kept her gaze on the ground and pursed her lips. "Look at me." He called Ziva looked up at him. She couldn't deny that he was good looking. He was dressed in a Black suit with a white undercover and no tie. His first two buttons were undone. Joe was a Six foot tall man with a pale complexion, Dark blue eyes and defined cheekbones. His dark raven hair sat in a quiff as he fiddled with the gold ring on his Left hand's pointer. If only his personality was that good. Joe walked forwards towards her in the light dimmed room and placed his hand on her chin, jolting her to look at him "Why did you miss your harmony?" He questioned while looking at the girl's lips who however, kept her eyes on his face "Niall was hurt." A look crossed his face as he snarled "So you care about him, huh?" And Ziva lightly scoffed "He's my best friend. Of course I do." Ziva doesn't know what came to his mind as he pinned her up against the wall and kissed her neck. She remained unresponsive throughout it all as he left wet and sloppy kisses throughout her neck. He suddenly pushed himself off of her and kissed her mouth, forcefully letting his tongue enter her mouth. After about 15 minutes of his assault, he pushed himself off of her. "That will be all." ZIva was confused yet thankful. She immediately ushered out of the room and gave a nod to Paul as he went to say something "I just want to clean up and we can leave." Paul looked like he wanted to say something but stopped. So, he simply nodded and led her to her dressing room. But before Paul left, she stopped him "Uh.. Paul. I-Is Niall okay??" This caused a wide smile to take over his face "He's alright. The phone hit him a little hard so it bled a little but he should be okay in 2 days if he takes the medication." Ziva gave him a wide smile before freshening up.

A/N: hope you liked this! It's not much but I'm mainly doing this so we can just sort of see how Ziva was with the boys in the past. Like when they were in a band and just show her relationship with them.


Thank you for reading
       -Sim :)

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