𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐗

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I've lost ideas at this point, so the next few will probably be some random moments I saw on Instagram/ Interviews/ YouTube. Mainly #Liva moments. Not in any order.

"Fucking hell." Were the first words that escaped Ziva Malik's lips as the sound of flashes going off sounded around the corner. Ziva had stepped out with the blue eyed boy for a quick smoke, not expecting to get papped. She took one last drag of the cigarette before throwing it onto the ground and squashing it under her feet. Looking at Louis, the man simple smiled at her. Taking it as a 'I've got it covered' she waited for him. "Can't I have a cigarette in peace?" Louis questioned as the group of men came around corner. Though his words were light, there was a frustration behind them. "Yes you can." The paps replied, turning to the brunette "Ziva are you smoking too?"
"Actually yes." She replied, cutting Louis off. Eveyone just kind of stared at her in shock "Mine just finished." Turning to her boyfriend, Ziva grabbed his cigarette and set it on her lips, inhaling the smoke. Her cheeks hollowed as she let go of the cigarette and blew out the air, making sure she was slightly tilted so the air hit Louis' face and lips. He liked it like that, the air surrounding them as they lived through it. It was sensual, Ziva had to admit. Blowing out the cloud, Ziva gave the cigarette back to Louis "Excuse me." She fakely smiled and walked away, Louis following shortly after, the boy connecting their lips as soon as the car door closed.

"We're gonna get you guys out of here. Just stay close." The guard demanded. One Direction's location got leaked? Yup, nothing new. There's thousands of people out there, fans and paparazzi all waiting to get their attention? Nothing new. Ziva got into another fight? Occasionally. Niall got dragged to the floor? Fuck No. The whole band stood at the LAX, Anxious to go out between thousands of people. You'd never guess they performed in front of thousands of people with the amount of nerves. They all formed a line. Niall in front with Zayn behind him, Ziva squished in between him and Louis who had Harry behind him.
It all just kind of happened. None of them expected that walking out, Niall would be pushed to the floor by one of the paps and the night would end how it wasn't supposed to.

As soon as Niall got back on his two feet, Ziva stood on his left while Zayn stood on his right, anger coursing through their veins. "I'll walk with him to the car." Ziva declared, Zayn nodding. He had some assholes to deal with. "Come on Ni." She walked the blonde to the car, him sitting in the front seat as Ziva gave him a water bottle "You good?" And the boy nodded, grateful for the brunette's warm hand that rubbed his back. When her twin came into view, he nodded, taking Ziva's place and settling in the back with Niall in between him and Harry. "Excuse me ladies." She walked through the circle of fans around the cars, protecting the band. When she got out and saw the pap standing in front of her, she calmly talked "Mate what's up?" The flashes went off "What're you talking about?" He pretended. Ziva almost scoffed "You know what I'm talking about. You pushed Niall to the ground. Maybe it was a mistake, but it'd be appreciated if you apologise." The man showed her his middle finger, keeping out of the camera lense "I didn't do shit." The man retaliated. This time, Ziva did scoff and folded her arms across her chest causing his eyes to divert "It's bad enough that you pushed my friend to the ground. I'm simply holding you accountable. How hard is it to say 'Sorry'?" The man shrugged "Don't be a bitch."

Now, Ziva Malik was angered. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she took a step towards him "Excuse me?" He smirked "I said. Don't. Be. A. Bitch." He took a step back "I heard what you said. I'm just confused on how someone can have the nerve to push someone and then call me a bitch when I'm being calm while holding you accountable." He didn't reply, taking steps back for every one Ziva took forward "You wanna say I'm being a bitch? Now I will be." She spoke icily before jabbing her nail into his chest, making sure her nail scratched "You're a wanker. A tosser and a manky person. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself." She raised her voice. Seeing his expression, Ziva smirked "I'm sorry if my words were too fast for you. You want us to take a buffer?" She could've sworn she saw people snort. Popping her hip out, Ziva kept her right hand on her hip, the smirk gone "You want me to show you a bitch? Bring it on boy. I can do this all night." There was silence, literal pin drop silence in the road full of thousands of people as they all awaited the man's response. "You're a fucking terrorist." He spat.

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