Operation: Con Dimitri

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Tonight was a date night for Dimitri and I. We try to at least go out once a week alone with out Lily and Luka. Even though they were in great hands with Lissa and Christian, I hated to leave them.

I was in our back yard watching Luka play with his trucks and Lily sat at our picnic table having a tea party by herself with her stuffed animals.

I got to thinking that we never had a family date night in for so long, I wondered if Dimitri would go for the kids coming along with us tonight. I just had to come up with a plan to make him think it was his idea for the kids to come along.

I was watching Lily passing the tea cups around to each of her stuffed animals and I got to thinking. I remembered a time when I was about her age and I wanted something really bad, my Mom told me that if I could get my Dad to say almost yes, not just yes or maybe, she and my father would get what I wanted. That is when I thought of Operation Con Dimitri.

"Lily can you come over here for a minute." I called to her.

Lily hopped off the picnic table and took her good old time walking over to Luka and me.

"Yes Mama?"

I looked at both of my children and said,"Would you and Luka like to come with Papa and I tonight?"

Lily looked at me straight in the face and replied, "But Mama, it is your date night with Papa. You both always go alone."

"I know we do, but I would like for you and Luka to come too tonight..The only catch is that we have to make it look like it was Papa's idea for you both to come."

Luka drugged his attention from his trucks and said, "I will ask Papa if we can go."

"Do you really want to give up playing right now?"

"No Mama...I'm almost finished building the dirt pile for my trucks. Lily can do it by herself." With that said, Luka went back to playing with his trucks.

Lily stood there thinking for a moment with one hand on her hip and with the other hand resting on her cheek. I could see the wheels turning in her scared me sometimes how much she reminded me of me when I was her age.

"Ok...I will help you trick Papa...What's the plan?"

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