Dimitri & Lily

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"Lily look at me."I said sternly. My five year old daughter turned unwillingly,her sour puss face towards me. She had her small arms crossed over her chest. She looked so much like her mother when she was mad. Lily had the same attitude and stance as Roza did when she was upset.

"But Papa, I want to come too. It is not fair!" Lily stomped her tiny foot. I had to repress a laugh.

"Lily my girl, I cannot take you with us tonight. It is Mama's and my date night."

Her chocolate brown eyes brimmed with tears. She uncrossed her arms and sunk onto the couch, as a tear slipped down her cheek."I even wore my favorite dress for you Papa."

With a heavy heart and a threat of my own tears in my eyes, I sat down on the couch and pulled Lily onto my lap. She immediately buried her face into my neck.

I cannot break this little girl's heart, I said to myself.

I gently pulled her chin away from my neck so I could look her in the eyes. "How about I make you a deal..." She let out a few sniffles. "If you and your brother can get along for the entire day. That means, no fighting, no arguing, and no breaking his toys. If you can do that for Mama and me, then and only then you and Luka can come."

"So is that a yes?" she looked at me with a puzzled look

"It is a maybe. Or you could say an almost yes." I replied.

Lily quickly jumped off my lap and started running for the back yard to where Roza and Luka were playing. On her way she yelled to her mother, "MAMA, MAMA! I GOT PAPA TO SAY ALMOST YES!"

I then realized that her tears were fake and Roza had put her up to this. Roza hated to go out with out Luka and Lily as much as I hated to.

I got up from the couch and headed outside to my family. I shook my head with a laugh and said out loud to myself, "Those girls have me wrapped around their pinky."

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