Two nights Only

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Yummy part 2


True to his word, Killer returned the next day at the same time.

The doorbell ringing was something Dream has waited for nearly all evening - not that he would ever admit to it, no. He had placed his book aside and eased himself to his feet, making sure his pace of walking wasn't too fast. He didn't want Killer thinking he was eager or actually interested after all, of course not. He'd opened the door with a coy smirk, a look given that should have cemented to the smaller skeleton that anything that happened tonight was under his control.

Killer had tried to act snarky, of course he had, but stood there at the door by himself in the fleeting light, he looked incredibly vulnerable and small. He only managed about three snide comments before he was keening at Dream's heels like desperate puppy begging to be called a good boy.

It looked as if he'd been craving this from the moment he left last night because it was only when he took him to his bedroom that he shut up, seeming to worry he would turn Dream off if he said the wrong thing.

And now, splayed out beneath him across the sheets, face crimson and ecto shining, he wouldn't shut up.

"NnH- I-I was high a-all night yesterday- h-had t-to beat- mGh- o-off fOur times before I could- could finally even thiNk about sleeping-" He babbled filthy nonsense over and over, sentences broken between sharp gasps, moans and whimpers. 

"If you don't shut up I'll throw you outside only half relieved." Dream growled, the hand at Killer's jaw moving to grip his throat tightly in a warning. He had to admit he liked how the skeleton moaned out in response, fingers tangling into the sweaty sheets and tearing at them. If anything, it shut him up.

Rocking his hips sharply Dream pushed deep into him repeatedly, enjoying the pathetic cries he got in response. Killer seemed so sensitive, his body melting like wax beneath his hot fingertips. "That's better."

Staring hazily up at the ceiling Killer arched his back and gave a whimper he knew he'd be ashamed of later. He'd told himself that he wouldn't let himself fall apart under Dream's influence, but the skeleton had a way of crumbling any restraint he had with nothing other than a well calculated touch.

His body pounded with the heat of a thousand candles, sweat trickling down his ecto body and sticking to the sheets clammily. Cherries. Dream had said the colour of his ecto had looked a lot like cherries, and that had been enough to have Killer on his knees. That was with the additional comment that he found cherries so nice to eat. Oh god that made his gut clench. It all felt so good, to have Dream roughening him up so nicely, in his own home on his very own bed. Fuck he had no idea this would be so nice perfect. But something was missing still, some crevice in him wasn't quite satisfied, demanding more and more and more - the urge to be broken, fucked so hard his legs would be rendered useless, to scream so loud he lost his voice. It was an addiction that had gnawed at him ever since last night had caused him to take throat sweets to ease the burning.

"MhhAa- f-faster- DreAM~! FfUck- b-break me I- nnGh- I need- I-hHHAa-!" He spat out the last words, eyes rolling back in his skull as Dream shoved deep inside of him, splitting him with little cause for remorse. It warned a strangled wail, the sound warped from how sore he already felt. "YeES-! P-plEAse~! J-jUst like thAaHT-!"

Sneering down at him Dream fucked the desperate skeleton thoroughly down into the mattress, the hand on his throat never laxing. "I thought you'd have realised by now, Kills, but you're not really in the position to be making orders."

He wasn't sure where the abbreviation of his name had come from, but he made a mental note not to say it again. That would be a sign of weakness - a crack in his shell that he couldn't allow Killer to grasp. This was just sex to relieve stress, to take out any emotions or anger and project it into railing the life of the slut that lay writhing beneath him. Attachment and affections weren't part of the bargain.

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