If you want a purple version of Layers Liars Losers, here's one :D
Okay, this one is a special cover meaning it involves special payment.
You must read and comment on THREE CHAPTERS of Lone Gold, Daring Purple.
It took Magic Fox almost two hours of intense concentration to get the magic just right. And I mean it.
If you want this commercial-use-okay cover, fill out the form. Once Magic Fox responds to your comment with a letter of acceptance, then you can go and do your bit.
Thank you for being a kind, understanding human.
Premade Covers by a Fox | Cover Shop
Random[OPEN] Last updated: July 28, 2024. New covers will be added as they are made. Offering Premade Covers ONLY. Always accepting orders. First come, first serve :) Magic Fox is a fox that makes covers using magic. "Find a special cover here," says Magi...