Snow day

901 20 5

You guys build a snow-fort and make everyone jealous 😮

You two get into a snowball fight and you win

All day Hell Livestream!!! Oh, and Velvet is that annoying person on your social media who nonstop takes pictures of the snow

Hot cocoa, roaring fire, seasonal movies and blanket cuddles 💛

You two arent too fussed about the snow. Lilith prefers summer anyway. But you both like to wrap up and go on a long walk together

Alastor's got an old fashioned tobaggan and you two manage to paint the snow red by running people over and having a jolly ol' time

You guys build a snowdemon and give it horns, teeth and even a tail

He's like a little kid and you must do EVERYTHING or the snow could all go tomorrow. By the end, you're all out of energy and are ready to settle down for a long winters nap

Someone also suggested I do this
Btw sorry if these last few chapters have been shitty pls Im trying 😢

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