shock 😲

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Darshan's Point Of view

We had fun last night she was so so interested in the movie and mummering things whenever the protagonist was hurt and living each and every moment with them she is cute .

I am waiting for her to arrive so that I can tell her everything and we may go back to our penthouse it's in good condition now siddharth took care of the intruders and their head too I just want she do not overreact about the thing she is going to know about me .

As she comes out of the room in her tank top and jeans make my heart swell I want to hold her and make love to her I stand from my place and she comes and stand in front of me and I lean in and kiss her she kisses back and I smile into the kiss we finally leave each other and have our breakfast.


Darshan- I have to tell you something.

Anushka- Han bolo

He lifts you up and make you sit in his lap and making her  giggle .

Anushka- darshan

Darshan- Anushka

Anushka- hmmm...

Darshan- don't hate me after this

Anushka- why would I hate you?

Darshan- I am a mafia basically I am a mafia king I own the whole bad business bit I swear I never killed an innocent and remember i love you

I can feel her whole body get tensed with this information she got about me I hold her more tight .

Anushka - darshan leave me , I don't know you , you are not the same person you are a lier you are a fucking lier leave me I hate you .

Listing this my world turned around the women I love hates me but I know I want her and I will not leave her at any cost

Me- don't say this Anushka  it's not my choice to be this who I am its our business and I have to do this I am not leaving you and remember I love you and you are coming with me to our house now am I clear .

Saying this I lifted her up and put her in cars backseat despite of her cries and rejections I drove the car and we reached our house by this time she was silent I found her sleeping on the backseat I took her and make her sleep on the bed of our room and I smile at the memories.
I went down and met Alice I told her everything she said she will talk to her and kissed my forehead and served me some food and told me to sleep and I went to our room taking some food for her .

When I reached she was already woke up and looking at the room blankly
As I reached she looked at me and turned her eyes instantly.
I went and sat beside her and gave her food she ate the food silently and then went inside the washroom I made myself comfortable on the bed She came and sat on the bed I pulled her into my embrace and she struggled while I didn't leave her she wiggled for sometime and then slept .

Double update 😊🕊

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