⊰❉⊱ 33 ⊰❉⊱

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The last voice I expected to hear again appeared down the line.

"William." I stated.

"Do not sound so disappointed, immortal." He drawled.

I paced near the exit hatch of the plane as we dropped in altitude. Quinn sat warily by the window pretending to be interested outside.

"What can I do for you."

"Friends do not request such things so impromptu. I wish to inform you of the happy coincidence."

My blood cooled.

"Which is?" I gritted out.

"I will be in Japan!" He sang happily. "Such a small world indeed–"

"Listen to me. Whatever game. Whatever entertainment you have planned simply to liven your day holds absolutely no interest to me. You will not follow me. You will be on the next flight out." I growled, gaining Quinn's gaze quickly before she averted it again.

"Come now. It has been so long since I have had the pleasure of another beautiful, unbreakable soul." He murmured with a darker tone. Darker intent. "–besides, it was the demeanour you held that sparked my interest so. No immortal is ever in a hurry. Yet you were. I may wish to observe what has you so... impatient. Call it professional curiosity."

A savage protective instinct stole my saner thoughts. It lengthened my teeth into razors without my permission and made me want to shatter the walls.

"I am going to say this once." I murmured in a low tone. "If you cross my path. If you cross me in this country I will snap your neck." I told him slowly. "I will sate your curiosity in the answer of death. Do we have an understanding, William." I finished in a lethally calm voice.

There was a pause on the line. I waited. Counting the seconds he considered my words. My ability. Then he decided.

"I cannot wait to see you again." He purred, terminating the call before I could snarl back.

The sat phone crumbled in my hand to pieces. Now Quinn stared openly in shock. Her bright green eyes filled with concern and curiosity. I let out a slow breath and moved near to her. I dropped to a knee by her side as the plane dropped more quickly from the sky to land.

She took my hand in some sort of instinctive urge. It coaxed a small and brief smile on my lips.

"You don't need to worry."

"Yet I do all the same." She retorted simply. "Tell me."

"There might be some trouble to deal with." I sighed. She twined her fingers between mine and relaxed her shoulders like this meant little.

"I wasn't expecting our trip to be boring." She muttered.

I snorted despite it and squeezed her fingers lightly.

"Once again, you have a disturbingly low regard for danger Miss Adams."

"You've noticed?" She smirked out the window.

"It's an immortal." I admitted, making her eyes quickly return to me. "He followed me from Mumbai. I don't know if its an obsessive curiosity or he truly is a lonely bastard." I finished in a slight growl.

"That's... almost sad." She said frowning.

"I don't care what he is. If he comes within ten miles of you I will end his curiosity permanently." I retorted darkly. Quinn's heart beat faster and she tightened her hold on me.

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