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The morning light found its way through a gap in the curtains.

The city slowly woke itself, but I let her sleep on. I contemplated much. Immortals. Mortals. Elders and Founders. Now I was among them..? My eyes were filled with more gold than ever before. The burn in my throat was such a distant thought it was not even a hunger. Quinn's overwhelming scent barely stirred the demon, despite her tangled limbs woven through my own. Naturally she barely wore anything now. 

A small smile took my lips. She was past risk. Past treading carefully with our relationship–if it could be called such a thing. No... Quinn and I were more of a chance meeting. A matching of souls that stumbled upon one another in some god forsaken place.

I considered what sort of life we could build once more in this city. I'd likely had my credentials wiped by Paragon so that left many professions open to me once more. I was never one to sit still for too long anyway.

I liked being a part of something that wasn't immortal. That wasn't a society that deemed itself endlessly higher. The simplicity of aiding was never overstated. It was fulfilling. 

Quinn's leg shifted and the smooth warmth of her skin cooled my blood as I felt her calf graze my own. A deep breath left her before she hummed against my skin. I raised my hand before she stole it with her own and placed it back on her hip.

I snorted.

"I thought you liked early starts–"

"Not many start like this." She mumbled simply.

I had to agree with her there.

"What profession do you think would suit me?" I blurted after a beat.

She took another slow breath before chuckling against my skin. "So, the case is closed on detective?"

"I blew up a building." I reminded her. Twice. Thinking of the last job I had with my partner before a pang of remorse swept over me. Quinn trailed her fingers along my ribs and took the darkness away.

She hummed considering.

"Professional fighting?"

"Yes, that should really keep a low profile, Adams." I drawled back.

She giggled. Enjoying this prospect far too much. "And those tight shorts–"

"You had me in gym wear once–that is enough for this lifetime."

She moved her fingers over my lips slowly. I turned to face her only to have my jaw turned back to face ahead. I grinned and she tapped the side of my jaw. "I'm thinking."

"Yes, ma'am."

The tapping paused.

"A firefighter?" She said with no small irony.

"Too risky to the ones I pull out."

"Police work really was a nice middle ground..." She mused. "–then again you're not exactly slow so something intellectual wouldn't be a stretch–"

I rolled her off me in a flash and pinned a plump pillow over her head with a satisfying poof.

"A stretch?" I asked incredulously, "You mortals and your audacity–"

The pillow stopped dead in my hand when she tried her own attack. So she pushed it aside and stole my lips before I could react. Quinn enjoyed my momentary stunned silence and rolled back to consider me.

She lingered on my eyes. 

"You are. Beautiful. Fletcher."

My smirk darkened. But my heart stopped at her words. "I wasn't before?"

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