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Mator: I dare you to give Snow White an apple

Rapunzel: Aww.... really? She just told me how much she hated apples.... Oh alright

I Dare Rapunzel to give Snow White an apple

RAPUNZEL: *Calls Snow White* Hey, Snow! Can you come over to a sleepover tonight?

SNOW WHITE: Yeah, sure! 

RAPUNZEL: Okay, yay! Meet me here at four.

2 hours later

RAPUNZEL: *sets table with apples, apple pie, apple sause, anything that contains apples when door bell rings* Come in!

Snow White: Hey Rapunzel! This is going to be so--- APPLES?

RAPUNZEL: Yes! YOU'RE GOING TO EAT ONE!!!! *Shoves apple pie in Snow White's face*

SNOW WHITE: *tries to turn away, taste apple pie* I'M POISONED! YOU'RE THE WICKED WITCH IN DISGUISE!

RAPUNZEL: Wait, what? No! I just want you to try it!

SNOW WHITE: Okay..... it's good.... I guess.


RAPUNZEL: I'm so happy that you like it!!!!! *Jumps up and down*

SNOW WHITE: Yeah.... me too.

RAPUNZEL: I'm going to get a board game! Be right back!

SNOW WHITE: Okay... *when Rapunzel leaves, Snow White pukes the pie into the garbage*

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