Chapter 1

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"Kenzie honey, come downstairs!"
"Ok mom!" I yell back. After pressing snooze on my alarm for the 100th time I finally force myself out of bed. "Kenzie" I hear my moms voice again. "Mom stop calling me" I shout, my voice sounding raspier than ever. I trudge downstairs and gulp down my bagel and bowl of cereal. "Man, you must've been starving" my mother chuckles. "Hmm" I mumble. After drinking two glasses of orange juice I hop in the shower. The scolding hot water soothes my sore muscles. I pour some lavender bath salts in and soak.
I wash my hair and rinse it out. I lazily wrap a towel around me and head to my bedroom. I decide to wear a long black maxi skirt and a white blouse. I curl my hair into long blonde ringlets. " Mackenzie lets go already!" "Ok" I shout back. When I step downstairs my mother already has her purse in her hand and a thermos of coffee. She has a job interview today. "Oh,honey you look beautiful." I roll my eyes at her. She grins at me then we walk out to the car. The whole car ride to campus is filled with silence except for the soft sound of the radio. When we pull up my mother's eyes light up in excitement. "Here we are" she smiles. I know she can tell that I'm nervous. A&M is pretty big, my stomach is turning. Hell yeah I'm scared.

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