Friends Till the End

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Fallen debrief, rocks and dust, and battered walls covered with moss.

If one were to look at the scenery, one would think that a cannonball hit and damaged the area.

Peyton stared in wonder at the dark damp hallway as she walked up the stairs, carefully avoiding tripping on any rocks or cracks. Her fingers ran across the stone walls as she walked until she came across something that caught her attention.

She turned to the wall and there she saw it.

Claw marks.

Claw marks on solid stone.

"Woah..." she gasped, "cool...claw marks..but, who could claw marks in solid stone like that?"

Peyton began to think.

Was it a dragon? Did the castle belong to a dragon? Just like in her books?

She looked on the staircase.

There weren't any signs of eggshell pieces so it couldn't be a dragon.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of low growling coming from within the darkness of the castle.

Peyton turned around slowly only to find two glowing golden eyes staring at her. The figure in the darkness soon revealed itself to be the giant dark blue beast-like creature ready to pounce.

The girl was silent for a few seconds until she let out a blood-curdling scream and dashed up the staircase to the highest turret of the castle, the beast-like creature trailing close behind.

She hid behind a wall and she panted, trying to catch her breath. Suddenly, she heard slow footsteps coming up the staircases, she held her breath as she tried not to scream again as she heard the footsteps coming towards her.

Peyton slowly poked her head out to see the figure coming up the steps.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she discovered who it was.

"Elisa!" she called out.

Elisa shined her flashlight at Peyton.

"Peyton, there you are!" she exclaimed. "Where've you been? I heard the news reports about an attack up here! Do you realize how dangerous this place is?!"

"I-I, I'm sorry..." Peyton said, "i-it looked so cool up here and...and I wanted to check it out...I saw some claw marks on the wall! Whoever made them must be super strong! Like Incredible Hulk strong!"

"You saw those too, huh?" Elisa asked.

"Yeah," Peyton said, "I wonder who made them... I thought it was a dragon but I didn't see any eggshells lying on the floor and it looks like a tornado mixed with an earthquake landed here."

Elisa was about to speak again when she heard footsteps coming up the staircase, Elisa gently grabbed Peyton by the wrist and pulled her to the wall, "Peyton, stay close," she whispered.

Elisa took out her gun and pointed it at the entrance to the staircase. Peyton got in a fighting stance behind her.

"OK pal!" Elisa said. "Let me see it, nice and easy."

The dark blue beast-like creature came up, snarling and growling at Elisa and Peyton.

Peyton tried to run but when she turned around to sprint away, she bumped into something big. Peyton's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped, backing away to the wall.

Standing in front of her was a giant gargoyle with lavender skin. Its large shadow loomed over the small seven-year-old girl. Its deep brown eyes met with her wide cerulean blue ones.

Peyton and the GargoylesWhere stories live. Discover now