Chapter 4

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"You ready to get out of here".
"Finally". I say with a sigh as she walks in the bathroom.
"Come on hurry up and make me not look like I'm fine".
She starts making my face look reddish and giving me forehead heat. I do the same to her.
"Do I look okay"? I say after checking her.
"Yea looks real".
"K let's go".
I start walking backward out of the bathroom. It's fun and the only way I can walk in a straight line. I end up making it almost past the front office when I hit a wall.
"Oop not a wall". I say out loud once I look up.
"Watch where you're going". TJ yells at me as he shoves me away.
"What's his problem". Ave says when she helps me up.
"I don't know".
"Ooh check Nick's app".
"The Hawthorne one"? I question
"I don't know whichever one has the drama".
"Okay". I say as I pull it up.
"There it is dang Tiffany cheated on him again with Noah C".
"How is he still with her that's like the 12th time, I mean didn't he just get back from military school".
"Because bi*ches and do* he attracts".
"Ain't that right". She says high fiving me.
We end up getting out of school. I could tell the nurse didn't believe us but didn't want to put up with us anymore. We ended up taking Avelon's car so the guys had a way to my house. She can't drive for sh*t I think when we hit a curb for the third time.
"Hey Ave how did you pass your driving test".
"Because I have the best driving skills". She replies.
"Yea and I are the presidents how'd you pass".
"Well, I happened to be wearing that one outfit, and the driving instructor happened to be gay and 21 and I also happened to give her my number before we started".
"You dumb bish you can't cheat a driving test one day your gonna kill all of us".
"I didn't necessarily cheat I'm a good driver".
"Ave you got full marks, and I know for a fact you can't drive for SHI".
"Yes, I can, See we made it to your house in one piece".
"Barley". I scoff as we get out.
"Are you going back for soccer practice or no"? Ave asks me as soon as we get in the kitchen".
"Mmm maybe, it depends".
"K I'll remind you 10 minutes till if you wanna go."
We go upstairs and decide on watching Moxie cause we keep seeing Tiktoks about it. It was a really good movie. We ended up watching another one before I decided to get up and go to practice.
We had to get the makeup off of our faces. We almost forgot for a second. Ave takes me back to school and sits in the bleachers while I go to the locker room.
"JJ". I hear excitedly from my left.
"Hey, Allison". I say to her.
"Where were you in 7th period".
I start responding when I hear a knock in the doorway.
"Yea where were you, Alexander". I turn around to see the coaches standing at the door.
"Uh, I was sick". I respond
"Mm so why are you looking perfectly fine now".
"I got better with a little sleep". I say pushing it off.
"So since you're better that's 5 runs around the field". Mrs.J tells me.
"Since you're better we want to make sure your stamina wasn't affected". Mr.W tells me
"Yeaaa". I drag out.
"I'm a go get ready now
"You do that". They say leaving the locker room.
"Ooo you in trouble girl". Monica teases me high-fiving Josie
Sighing I change into my soccer clothes.
Before walking outside on the field.
"Okay guys we're doing captains choice , we're playing a game like a capture the flag but with balls. We have separated the goals a lot since luckily the football field was free. The first team to make it all the way to their goal gets the point we're going to 10 points. There's a cloth in the bag with each color for after the teams are chosen. We hope you do try to mix the teams and not go Boy vs Girls". Mr.Wenson finishes.
We separate into two lines while the captains go in the middle. Mrs.Jackie does a coin flip where Alex wins.
"Okay, I want JJ ". Kaz says quickly as I switch to his side.
"Um give me Noah". Lia chooses.
It keeps going like this until we're evenly split.
We all grasp our color on the thin cloth and tie it to our shorts. We start playing in the middle. Lia's team ends up getting the first five points. But Kaz's team ended up making a comeback and we won. I watch as Alex and James perform their victory dance. I don't know how they actually do this at games.
"Okay we're letting you guys go early today, JJ we did not forget your laps". The coaches tell us.
"Ugh".I sigh why can't they just forget it. The sins going down. Ave is asleep on the bleachers. I notice when I look up at her as I start running. I finish in like 15 minutes with 3 breaks. Me stopping every time Ave almost falls off. Once I finish I walk up the 20 steps on the bleachers why she sat so high I have no idea. I start shaking her when I reach her.
"Ave wake up it's 8:00 I wanna go home". I whine. She starts hitting at me .
"No, I wanna sleep".
"You can sleep at your house". I say as I pull her off.
"If you don't start walking by yourself I'm going to roll you down the bleachers".
She finally starts walking with me. I think she's still half asleep but I could care less. I have to stop back by the the locker room to grab my phone and jacket. So I just lean Ave on the wall.

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