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• cute

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Gym ——

I put in my clothes in the locker room, our specials were gym this quarter which meant death.

I came out of the locker room to be immediately greeted by Sunghoon who had been leaning against the wall waiting for me

He ruffled my head, "You look cute." He softly smiled. I couldn't help but feel flustered by the sudden comment.

"L-let's go to g-gym." I stuttered

Gosh..why did I stutter? Now I'm going to make it obvious that I'm flustered, great Yerin.

I could feel my hair being pulled, my gosh why is she always bugging me it's so annoying.

I turned around and glared, "Fuck off." I mouthed before turning back around and clinging onto sunghoon's arm to make her jealous.

"Aww you look so cute when you cling onto my arms." Sunghoon cooed.

I know Areum heard it, I took a quick glance at her. Her face was totally red from anger,tsk such a low leveled bitch.

After Areum stomped away from the two of us, I still was clinging onto him...it was comfortable don't judge me.

We made it into the auditorium and sat on the ground.

Our coach came in, "Let's play basketball, and if you don't know how to. You'll learn starting today."

"The sophomores are here as well."

This meant Riki and Taki.

"NOONAAAAAAA" two voices screamed from at least 10 feet, rushing towards me in a running pace.

Other students watched the two boys get into my arms happily, I put on a light smile and ruffled their head.

"Let's play basketball!!"

"But I don't know how to-"

"Learn from the ladies man honey." Jake came in with a basket ball spinning around the tip of his finger.

"Ladies man my ass, such a show off of a best friend you are." Sunghoon jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure I'm even your best friend? You've left me alone for a week for a girl, Bros before hoes Sunghoon."

"Who's a hoe?!? " I threw a basketball towards Jake's face in vexation, knocking him to the floor.

I could hear him groan, "Serves you right ' Ladies man'   "  Sunghoon snickered.

Time skip ——

Both me and Sunghoon laid on the grass trying to catch our breaths. "You idiot why would you do that?!"

"I don't know how to play basketball babe don't be mad at me"

"Idiot!" I threw a basketball at him.

"Quit it Sushi babe,studies show that when you get angry th-"

Sunghoon was silenced by me getting up, folding my arms.

"Free period."

"Babyyyyyy do you want to go to Moon's sushi cafe?!"

"No I where I want to go is somewhere that you don't have to follow. Great idea, the girls bathroom. See you Sunghoon." She held up the peace sign.



POV ——

Sunghoon shook his head knowing he couldn't follow Yerin.

So at this time he will go to Yerin's parents house to look for that notebook that she was talking about.

Sunghoon made it out his way towards the school's entrance. There he was greeted by his older one, Heeseung.

"Little one where have you been?!"

"With Yerin?" I shrugged

Heeseung shook his head, "love these days huh? Well get to it, I have to play basketball wish me luck!" He patted his shoulder and ran off towards the auditorium.

Sunghoon had now started to sprint so that he could make it there faster, it wasn't even that far luckily.

He made it within 5 minutes of running.

He quickly opened the door with the key and buster into her mom's room. There he found notebooks that were still scattered on the floor from days ago.

The notebook with bright color caught his eye,the one that Yerin's mother showed him in the picture, he found it.

Sunghoon grabbed onto it and quickly exited the tall palace building.


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