i have a new job for you

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Walking out of my home i grabbed and borded my skate board and started riding to bosses building it crazy he doesn't give a shi about me for the line of work i have to do for him he wont even get someone to pick me up in the morning to keep me safe im lucky i keep a low profile and don't go out or elese enemys would have a field day with me dam im finally here did i mention i have to take the worst commute here lmfao

boss egrios building

walking in im noticed  by workers boss wants to see you 4th floor today

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walking in im noticed  by workers boss wants to see you 4th floor today

umm ok i say does he have a job thats in location nahh they say laughing what a bunch of pricks i say walking away been like this everyday since i started here if there not laughing or drinking there slacking and bugging me. Running up the stares i walk through the door.

boss what can i assist you with 

egrios: you know u suprised me with last nights cleanup right

in head- ( i had to clean up 6 bodys in only 4 hours because the guards were having a field day im sick of cleaning up the huge messes and problems they cause us and them getting no reprucutions)

"thank you sir i trie-


apologies sir

AS I WAS SAYING im sending you away

away sir 

yes away "italy" in fact i want you to go home and pack your things be back by 3:10 NOW LEAVE 

oh um o-



(i run out)

(wtf does he mean italy????? italy im in for a night)

at this point im use to new surprises and bombs being dropped hopefully this blows over well.

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