Revenge is not the Jedi Way

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If you cannot tell, in this chapter I mixed the story with the episode "Homecoming" from Season two, so you'll see the dialog for some of the show here.

It took several days for the Padawans to fully recover from those nightmares. For the first two days, the three of them were ridden with left-over fear and sadness. Ezra and Rae were back to semi-normalness on the third day - the day they were able to regroup with a portion of the other rebels.

It took Athena a while longer. She had to cycle back to Son after two nights. Father and Daughter were no picnic either.

Most of the time, Athena was either going on small missions with Ahsoka or building her lightsaber as the fleet slowly came back together.

Though, the rebels could barely hold it together.

Athena remembered walking into the cockpit with Ezra by her side as Hera and Kanan talked to a hologram of Commander Sato, Chopper was the projector.

"At best, our squadron is at half strength. We're not just losing fighters, we're losing pilots faster than we can replace them," Hera exasperated, gripping her head in frustration. Figures. She had watched the death of Phoenix 2.

"Until we can find a base, we need somewhere to land our fighters," Kanan said.

"Perhaps we can solve two problems at once," Commander Sato proposed. "A rebel cell has reported an Imperial carrier over their world. If we can steal that ship, we can use it to house all our fighters. This cell is located in the Ryloth system."

"Ryloth?" Hera seemed surprised. "I know the cell you're talking about. I'll contact them." she abruptly stood up, crossing her arms and walking away as the hologram of the commander disappeared.

Kanan seemed even more surprised at Hera's response, "You're actually gonna talk to him?"

Hera paused, back still facing him, "I don't think we have much of a choice. We need that carrier." before walking out of the cockpit.

Ezra and Athena were confused. What the heck was that about?

"What's wrong with Ryloth?" Ezra questioned.

Kanan sighed and looked to the two teens. He didn't exactly know how to explain it to the two. He didn't want to divulge into the personal life Hera barely even told him about.

Then again, Kanan could now relate to the apprehension Hera had with talking about biological familial ties. There stood his little Earthling sister, bewildered by all of this. She didn't even know what Ryloth was.

A set of beeps came out of Chopper and a hologram of Ahsoka soon appeared.

"Lightsaber Mom!" Athena smiled. She was always happy to hear from the togruta.

Ahsoka smiled a little before looking at Kanan with a serious face, "Kanan, Commander Sato told me about the Ryloth cell."

Kanan nodded, "Yeah, Hera's going to talk to him."

"I'm afraid I'm going to need to take Athena off this mission and bring her with me on an op," Ahsoka said. "Taking over an Imperial carrier may be out of her league at the moment. She hasn't acclimated to combat on space-craft. I don't want to risk her fire powers causing an internal explosion in the carrier."

Kanan nodded, "I completely understand."

"What? I should be fine," Athena assured.

Ahsoka shook her head, "Last time you used your powers while in a ship, it was fighting Second Brother and you caused a small explosion with your flames. Your powers are not acclimated to small spaces. We only had you train outdoors."

Family by Heart - REWRITE(a Star Wars Rebels story)Where stories live. Discover now