No More Men?

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No More Men?

I'm knitting a sweater.

"You? Celibate? I don't buy it," says Derek with a smirk when he sees my knitting at the bar.

He's with Addison, which is just par for the course at this point, and I'm trying hard not to find it upsetting.

"I just don't buy it," Derek smiles.

"No more men," I insist, motioning to the knitting needles.

"No more men? Really? You?" Addison raises her eyebrows at me really really high.

And I'm about to rant on again about how all the boys I happen to meet these days happen to be married. Or Mark. But no, I don't get to ramble on, because apparently Addison isn't finished yet.

"So... What about women then, huh?" Addison teases me.

"That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen," I gulp.

"Well, it could solve a few things for girl. It takes the man out of the equation," Addison quips.

"Yes, well, the men as of late have only brought angst and drama to my life, so perhaps women would be more... Empathetic or something..." I say vaguely trying not to give too much about my own life away.

"Are you seriously trying to get Meredith to switch teams just so we'll get back together again, really Addison?" Derek sighs at her.

"Now now Derek," Addison says in an impatient tone. "Hardly, I was just wondering if Dr. Grey here had considered all of her options..." Addison says with a lilt in her voice, and a wink towards me.

It causes me to choke on my water a bit, and then take in the sight of Addison posing for my benefit, while Derek scoffs at her.

"What, then we'd be even," Addison says, while gesticulating at me.

"So what, you want to kiss my ex-girlfriend. Is that what this is about?" Derek frowns at her.

At that idea, my cheeks go scarlet, and my hands start shaking a little bit.

And then Addison starts leaning closer towards me, and her hair starts drifting over my face, and I feel like it's ten thousand degrees in this bar.

"Don't you want to know... What it's like... To be with a woman?" Addison flirts with me, and I'm entranced by her. Her lips. Her smile. Her grinning at me like that.

If there was a woman I'd want to test these things out with, it would definitely be her.

"Okay..." I whisper. "Let's give up men... Together..." I say to her softly.

"Alright darling," says Addison, as she gently pushes Derek aside so she's right in front of me.

And then she brushes my hair from my face. And then she brings her hands to my waist. And then she moves my hands to her face.

"Kiss me-" I say with my eyes wide open. Before she stops, and doesn't follow through.

But then she does follow through, and she's brushing her lips against mine, and she tastes so sweet, and she feels so soft. And then she leans down to kiss me with her lips parted, and I explore in between them.

And it's so sensitive, and emotional, and good feeling that I just keep kissing her.

And she parts my lips, and slides her tongue into my mouth, and she tugs on my hips so she can come closer, and kiss the side of my neck, and my collarbone, and she's pressing me up against the bar counter, half on my lap, half still balanced on her high heels, and Derek is stalking away grumbling, but I don't care because Addison's hands go to my hair, and Addison's lips come right back to mine.

"So..." says Addison, as we finally come up for air, and she's panting, and I'm panting, and we're both out of breath.

"So?" I quirk an eyebrow at her, wondering what on earth that she's thinking about.

"So... Are you still knitting a sweater?" Addison asks, pointing to the knitting set that's fallen to the floor.

"I'll knit one for you," I grin, as I lean in, to kiss her again.

"No more men," Addison promises.

"No more men," I agree.

I guess I can never stay celibate at a bar after all. But at least I can stay sober. And I scored one with the ladies!






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