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[MONTH 1] 1% Complete

Nothing to be heard but their hearts beating slowly.

It's hard for them to think clearly but something tells them something is going on.

When they see, they're greeted with darkness and are soon permanently closed. And nothing but their heartbeats are heard.

It's not cold, nor warm, it's nothing. There's nothing but them. And only them.

(CATALOG: 1-2) Subjects have now been reverted into egg forms, where they will soon regrow back into their new forms. They have been placed in special vessels that will give them the proper care needed for healthy growth. To allow them to shift into their forms, subjects are given nutrients from their authorized guardians that will soon take guardianship of them once they hatch in the upcoming months.

The nutrients have shown a positive result in the subjects, as some results have shown that their forms will soon change in upcoming months)

[MONTH 2] 46% Complete

I... think I can think...

I can see.... but it's so dark, maybe I can't see after all. But... I can feel my eyelids move, or is it.. just me? My brain, playing tricks?

I can move my mouth and can taste, but for what? Nothing is in my mouth, not a drip or drop has been in my mouth...what even is.. a mouth?

I don't know where I am but, it feels off in a way... There's some water inside, yet I'm not... drowning? And I feel like I'm missing something, though I don't know what...

It's starting to get... hard to stretch or move... I keep kicking this invisible wall.

I don't like being alone, I don't know why but I feel like someone is supposed to be with me, but who?

But... wait what's this?

It's... warmth...

This warmness... it doesn't hurt? Doesn't burn or sting, it feels...

Loving... full of care and pure love, why this seems... I never want anything else but this...

Feels like... home... I miss home...

What even is... home..?

(CATALOG 14-16) Subjects now have grown these past couple of weeks, some kicks and movement have been documented by researchers. Now, they have been given lamps to provide warmth, further encouraging the subjects with growing. Nutrients given are provided by technologically created tubes by our head-scientists: giving an easier way for the subjects to properly eat and grow more.

Some things have been noticed about the subjects besides growth: Subject 6's arms have still not grown even with the nutrients, Subject 5 is the healthiest of the group while Subject 8 is the weakest, and Subject 1 has been the most active, as many researchers who've watched over the subjects have overheard unusual movements and a slapping noise (that may have been hitting a knee or the inside of the egg's shell).

But the most unexpected development has occurred to both subjects 2-3 and 11, previously known as Subjects 2 and 11-12. Subjects 2-3 have grown a separate body (rendered by x-rays) yet the other test subject that would've been with this experiment is now gone. The same has happened with Subjects 11-12 but vis-versa: whereas the two subjects have now grown into one. We still don't have any other reason for why this has happened (other than the nutrients their guardians might've given had changed their DNA slightly) but we've set out to look further into the case.)

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