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.·:·. nose guy .·:·.


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She had seen the boy only twice in her life

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She had seen the boy only twice in her life. Ara wouldn't even go as far as to say he was a distant relative, their families literally were bonded by really distant genes shared. But still, when she announced she'd be moving across the country to go and try to become an idol, her mom's first idea was to give his family a call.

Because yes, he was famous and he literally almost owned the company that managed him... her mom thought it was time to bring the relation between their genes to good use. They'd never done it before –Ara's family didn't want to be associated with his family because that'd mean they'd get special treatment. But now it was a matter of making their baby happy, so they thought they couldn't possibly lose anything.

And they didn't. Actually, there she was, meeting with her long lost cousin, and one of the most famous idols of the century: Park Jimin.

"Am I supposed to address you formally... Jimin-ssi?", Ara stated trying not to engage in eye contact with him. She was nervous, yes, because her entire future as a trainee –and hopefully and idol too– depended on wether he thought she was good enough.

Hell, she didn't think she was good enough, but it was her dream.

"No need to", he took a sip of his coffee and then flashed her a smile. Ara let out a breath and smiled back, the numbness in her tingling hands suddenly going away.

Oh, boy. She really was nervous.

"Oh, good. I really don't want to talk to my... family as if we're strangers", she mumbled and averted her gaze towards her own coffee. "This place is nice".

He nodded.

"Yeah, it wasn't like this when we first started, but I'm really happy it's become this big. It allows us to help kids like you, who have big dreams of changing the world", he smiled again.

Ara wondered if all of the BTS' boys were this normal, this kind of down to earth. She'd only heard how big and famous they were –and obviously loved their music–, and sometimes people tend to forget they're humans too.

She liked her cousin's human side.

"Yeah", she bit her lip. They were currently sitting in a cafeteria inside the BigHit building, Jimin stating that this was the only time he could meet and talk a bit with her.

Fortunately, his mom had called him immediately when Ara's mother said they needed a huge favor, and now here she was.

People rushed everywhere and she thought she had seen the Kim Namjoon, the man of her dreams, entering the building while being informed of the day's schedule and activities.

She craved that; to matter.

"So... do you have any preferences?", Jimin asked after a few moments of silence. Oh, right, he was here.

She thought for a bit, and she actually didn't mind. As long as she could give this a try and make her parents happy, she'd be happy to be placed anywhere, with anyone who'd welcome her.

"I really have no restrictions", she said with a smile tugging on her lips. "As long as I can perform and try to be the best version of myself, I'm happy with whatever you offer me", she then gulped and stuttered a little. "I–it's not that y-you have to offer me anything, really. Y-you definitely don't have to", she moved her arms around her in the air trying to not sound rude at all.

What could possibly be worse than not being offered a trainee position? To be in Park Jimin's blacklist. Because she was sure that even though he was sweet, he could make your life a living hell if you pissed him off, and that's not what she wanted at all.

"It's fine, don't be so nervous!", he stated with a giggle, taking his empty coffee cup and getting ready to leave the cafeteria. "I'm glad we talked, our family's not really into this bonding thing, huh?", he offered her a warm smile and she got up too, taking her empty cup with her.

"Yeah. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me, I really appreciate it", she bowed politely and followed him towards the bin. They disposed of their cups and Jimin walked her towards the buildings exit.

"I'll see what I can do here, pull some strings and stuff. I can't promise you'll enter the trainee program this year, though. But if it doesn't work out here, I'll definitely put on a good word out there", he hugged her shortly and held the door open.

She bowed again and waved him off, smiling to herself. She was now one step closer to her dreams.

"Yah! Park Ara!", Jimin's voice called. She turned around and saw him waving his phone in the air; they had exchanged numbers. "Don't be a stranger!".

"I won't! Take care, cousin!", she waved her own cellphone too, and then walked off with the brightest and purest smile imprinted in her face.

And then, just like that, she got back to her little apartment complex where her parents rented a little studio for her to stay in Seoul for her company searches. Reality hit her a lot, and she asked herself if she'd ever be as successful or as happy as Jimin seemed.

She certainly hoped so.

So she got into her training clothes, moved her futon around to make room for her to practice, and turned on the music to start dancing. If she was gonna train –wether it was under BigHit or under any other company–, she'd work her ass off to be able to debut.

Panting, she let herself fall to the ground, picking her phone from the futon in the process, and letting a shriek out of joy.

Hey, Ara. It's Jimin. Come back tomorrow, and bring your best moves, Nose Guy said he wanted to see your performance before deciding.

But yeah, that means he'll consider you!! Welcome to the toughest part of it all: training 🥳

But yeah, that means he'll consider you!! Welcome to the toughest part of it all: training 🥳

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