Chapter 1

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It was black and cold and she could hear the loud sounds of thunder which meant that there was lightning. She felt around the little area she was in. It was small but big enough for her to fit. Slowly, she could feel something wet creeping up her dress, and she attempted to stand up but ended up hitting her head in the compressed area. She felt around once more to see what was filling up her newfound "home" though she would never call it that. "Water", she thought and she had been exactly right. She then heard the waves starting to crash into her little "home" and knew exactly where she was. She was in the middle of a storm stuck in the ocean.

Her box rocked back and forth and soon she felt nauseated from her ride. She had been scared out of her wits trying to find a way to get out of her "home" but it would not budge as if it was bound by chains. Now she sat in her box clutching her stomach just waiting for this torture to end.
She was falling in and out of consciousness while lightning flashed through the little air holes that did not do a very good job of giving air. When she would be conscious she would wonder who or what put her in here and what she did to them to make them put her on this state.

Finally when she woke up, the storm had stopped and she could see only a little daylight but it was enough. She looked through one of the air holes to see outside and was met with a splash of sea water to the face. She coughed and sputtered and wiped her face with the sleeve of her now ruined dress. She looked down at her once, what she assumed, white dress but now it was soaked with water and the bottom of it was covered in dirt. She decided that the dress was probably not ever going to be replenished so she tore off the bottom attempting to make more room for herself since her dress was half the size of her.

Once she tore off the bottom of her dress she tried to tuck in through a bigger sized air hole at the top of the box. She poked the first part of the remains through but when she got to the thicker part she knew it would have to take more force. She pushed with all her might and she ended up knocking the top of the box off. She was shocked by her strength, she thought she would be weak due to the size of her "home" that was giving her major muscle cramps. Even though that was the case, she slowly got on her knees and poked her head through the newly-made hole and shielded her eyes, blocking the sun.

When her eyes finally adjusted she searched around the surrounding, barren ocean. She looked to her left and her right finding the ocean still. When she turned around however, she found a duplicate box connected by a chain to hers. She adjusted her body position to face the box a little better. She struggled to get her sleepy arms out of her box. Finally when she did, she knocked on the box a couple of times to see if anything was in it but nothing responded except the ocean's waves hitting against the boxes.

She turned around to face what she assumed was forward and her eyes met the most amazing thing she's seen since she awoke in her box, an island. She was so sick of being on water she practically paddled towards her new safehaven. When she reached it, her tired arms gave out and she crawled out with the strength she had left and collapsed on the island.

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