chapter 24

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*warning: implied attacking/abuse of kids

chapter 24

girl, I believe you
are you losing your mind thinking what will it take
to make somebody listen to you?


Lyra didn't go down to dinner. As far as she could tell, none of the seventh and sixth-year Gryffindors did. As soon as classes ended she had left for the dorms then locked herself in the bathroom.

She had done so well all day. No more than a grunt when Carrow's hand made contact with her face, no reaction when she had been called "Avery" yet again, stone-cold nothing when Zara had freaked and Fay looked close to tears in the bathrooms after class.

So then why was she fighting back tears in a bathroom that smelled so much like Lavender's citrus perfume?

Why couldn't she breathe properly anymore?

She looked up at her reflection in the mirror. Her tear-stained face stared back at her. And Lyra couldn't take it. She slammed a fist into the glass, shattering it across the floor.

With a silent scream, Lyra cradled her wrist, bending over as a prickling pain erupted in her knuckles. "Fuck!"

A knock on the door, made her hide the now-bleeding hand behind her back as she rushed to wipe her tears and open the door.

Zara and Fay were staring back at her, the former with tears streaming down her face while the latter stared up at her in fear.

"Everyone's in the common room." Zara hiccuped.

Lyra nodded, following the two downstairs, and as she reached the bottom step heard Neville calling out. "They can't do this. Someone needs to stop them. We have to stop them. Dumbledore's Army needs to come together again."

"Without Harry?" Jimmy Peakes asked, looking between Neville and Ginny. "Who's supposed to lead?"

Fay cleared her throat and everyone turned to look at them.

"Lyra," Neville called, moving from in front of the fireplace to reach her. "You ok?"

Lyra lifted a hand to stop him from moving, "Fine."

It was nowhere near true but she was sure that whatever was coming next would need her to be as 'ok' as possible. She glanced at the rest of the room. The older years of Gryffindor were crowded throughout the room, as well as a few Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs.

"Right, like I was saying," Neville said, effectively turning the attention back to him, Lyra didn't miss that a few students would glance back at her. "We have to do something. They've already named two Muggleborn kids."

Susan Bones nodded, "Both from Hufflepuff. James Tuckett and Laura Madley. They're terrified, won't come out of their rooms."

"What are we supposed to do? No doubt the Carrows will try something." Ernie Macmillan asked, turning from Neville to Susan to Lyra.

"We get them out." Lyra's voice was gruffer than she intended, but it had the needed effect as everyone turned back to her. A gasp from her side and gripping at her hand told her that the injury she had caused herself was found.

But Lyra didn't look at everyone else, she didn't look at Zara who was holding her hand up, instead glancing at Ginny and Neville both looked at the bloody hand before looking back at her, giving a brisk nod.

"There are a few secret corridors and passageways we can use to sneak students out."

"How will we get all Muggleborns out? It isn't enough." Terry Boot pointed out.

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