3. Swap

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Lan Zhan didn't know how to feel. There was Wei Ying beside him trapped within the body of a fierce corpse and there was a Wei Ying before him, the very man for whom his heart beat wildly, standing before them with a smile he adored since a long time ago, possessed by a soul that didn't belong to him.

"Hanghuan Jun." The Wei Ying in front of his eyes bowed deeply but Lan Zhan did not have the strength to move. He did not expect to come upon the scene before him nor did he know he'd feel this strongly about it.

He had searched hell and heaven to find any remnants of Wei Ying's body, and bled his hands to find his soul and here was ready to be whole again. It was hard to breathe. A large hand was placed on his shoulds and he looked sideways at an expression of reassurance and endurance on a man he didn't recognise but a soul he loved.

"What are you doing here Sect Leader Nei." This was the first time Lan Zhan came back to himself and found some control to observe things other than Wei Ying. It wasn't his Wei Ying, not yet. The room was unusually clean as if being lived in, On a small cot was ZeWu Jun peaceful body behind two men, Sect Leade Nei and Master Mo possessing Wei Ying.

He made a courtesy to both without a word and looked at Sect Leader Nie for an explanation.

"I... I retrieved the body from the B.. Burial M... Mo.. Mounds once he fell. Everyone went to search once the seize was done with but I went as soon as I saw him die. I wasn't fighting anyway, my brother was. Nobody targeted me or missed me. I saw him die and rushed over. With the help of... a friend, brought him out and we carried him here."

At the mention of a friend, he looked at Master Mo but none in the room commented on his help. Sect Leader Nei might not be a powerful cultivator but Lan Zhan was realizing that he was formidable if he chose to be in terms of using his brains.

"And how is that Master Mo knows about it?" Wei Ying asked politely but Master Mo replied to this. He was clearly glaring at Sect Leader Nie but it wasn't serious enough to look threatening, instead, his scrunched nose looked cute. Lan Zhan shook himself out of that thought as Master Mo began to speak.

For the first time, Wei Ying's voice, the one with a slightly high pitch, threatening laughter just out of sentences filled the room, "Sect Leader Nie told me where you were to ensure, if I changed my mind about sacrificing myself for revenge, you can always come back to your body instead of mine. But I insisted and after the revenge, I came to him in different body possessions but he refused me every time saying he couldn't do it. Neither gives me your body not have the courage to seek you for mine. So I took the matter into my own hands."

"That is very like the Nai Huasang I know." Lan Zhan glared at Sect Leader Nie without meaning to. Why did Wei Ying always know everybody so well. Even though it did sound very like Sect Leader Nie, listening to Master Mo's reasoning but that doesn't mean Lan Zhan had to like Wei Ying's words. He couldn't help be suspicious of Sect Leader Nie as something else bugged him.

"You could have just asked me instead of forcing me into this situation, it would have been a lot better." As Wei Ying talked to Master Mo, Lan Zhan addressed the Sect Leader.

"What are you doing here Sect Leader Nie? If Master Mo was working on his own, how did you know to come to hear."

"I.. have...my wa..ys. I might be good f..for no...nothing but I am a Sect L..ea.. Lader after all." he stuttered so badly that it made Wei Ying laugh which sounded like a deep gurgle from the fierce corpse.

There were only two answers, either there was a spy in Cloud Recess or someone was tailing Master Mo all along. his attention was back in the room as Wei Ying reached out to pat Sect Leader Nie but the comforting pat made him stumble right into Wei Ying's body.

Wei Ying only laughed harder, the sound threatened to bring the hut down, at having forgotten that he had the strength of a fierce corpse right now. Even Lan Zhan couldn't help but crack a smile at the situation despite his jealously. the other two stared at Lan Zhan wide-eyed and so did Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan felt his ears were hot and tried to keep his look steady and steer the conversation away.

"Wei Ying take your body and let's go back to sort this."

Wei Ying nodded, stepped forward, then stepped back while Master Mo stepped back a few paces.

"No. I will give back your body when you take me back to mine." Master Mo said as the same time as Wei Ying said, "I have a condition before I will you back your body."

Lan Zhan couldn't help but look over at Wei Ying. His husband was serious, a kind of serious where he avoided looking at Lan Zhan for a second opinion. though the last few years, it had become second nature to both and yet, currently, his husband wasn't looking over.

Lan Zhan didn't say anything until Wei Ying spoke slowly, "Promise never to come before us after you have your body. 

Lan Zhan eyes never left the two men, silently contemplating.

"I will agree to your terms if you agree to mine.

"Punishment from breaking rules." Lan Zhan saw from the corner of his eye Wei Ying nodding solemnly with vigour before adding.

"Lan Sect punishments are the biggest mental torture ever and you have to go through them irrespective of what we decide now. You also broke Jin Sect Rule. What is done is done, but let's not break any more rule going ahead. Take our respective punishments and leave our separate ways.

"If I am not needed here, I will be on my way." Nie Huaisang interrupted them, gave a quick bow and was on his way. None stopped him. 

"One more punishment does not matter. I will give you back the body when we return to where mine is." Master Mo seemed like he wanted to continue but kept it to himself and walked ahead of them. 

Wei Ying shrugged and followed after hesitantly reaching for Lan Zhan and then deciding against it. Lan Zhan did not dare reach for his husband's hand for he did not even imagine the turmoil going on in Wei Ying's head compared to his own.

He still did not understand Wei Ying's condition but followed behind the other two.

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