On your roof

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As the moon rose close to his sleeping time, Lan Wangi decided to come out of meditation and prepare for his nightly routine. The next day was another day of strategy and he needed both, his heart and mind in place to add to the discussion. He had barely made it to the separation screen when the soft thud alerted his senses. He grabbed Bichen from the bed and headed out to see what was on the roof.

"Lan Zhaaaan!" He had not been able to turn around to look up when the delectable, sharp and cheerful voice alerted him of who it was.

Listening to his own heart trying to escape his chest he turned around and looked up. This time, the smile was attached to a wine jar, a few droplets escaping the side tantalizingly running down the jaw. His face must have clenched in an effort not to let his eyes trail there for Wei Ying called out again.

"Ah! Lan Zhan. Don't be mad. Let me borrow your roof for a nap under the moon." Lan Wangji did not know what to say, so he said nothing. Instead, he chose to fly up to the roof, wondering if the easy smile before him carried any weight. Those smiled and the brilliant mind kept distracting him today. He contributed nothing to the discussion but the fact that he did not let Wei Ying stray from the strategy of discussion into other off-topics that he tended to stray to.

After his non-existant reply, Wei Ying closed his eyes and provided Lan Wangji to drop the tightness in his muscles and observe the soul before him bathed in moonlight. Did he know the poetic reference of sitting on one's roof, more so, sleeping on one's roof? Wei Ying had a brilliant mind and tended to flirt easily which would indicate that he did but his knowledge of literature was extremely poor due to disinterest. Lan Wangi wasn't equipped with the current social acceptable ways to flirting part from what Lan Wangji had seen Wei Ying do, so he didn't know if sleeping on one's roof was common knowledge of flirting or not. Lan Wangji wondered if he was thinking too much and remembered the time when Wei Ying told him in the cave he wasn't flirting with Lan Wangji. He must not be.

"Just say if you want me to move," he spoke with his eyes closed but none of the happiness or tease in his voice. If anything, he sounded flat, almost emotionless. Lan Wangji could only think of one response to let him be where he was without giving himself away.

"This is not my roof."


That was the first time, at the beginning of the sunshot campaign, when Wei Ying had climbed on his roof at the time of their stay in Qinghe Nie Sect home and took a nap. It had become a frequent occurrence after that, whenever they met for strategy meetings for Sunshot Campaign. This time was different. The meeting was at the borders of Gusu. While others were gathered for the meeting, he was to look into a night hunt in the nearby area, specifically for a grave robber. Despite Lan Wangji's protest that Wei Ying was needed at the strategy meeting, he had come along. 

"Wei Ying is needed in the conference," he had insisted knowing how much he contributed each time.

"Not this time. ZeWu Jun knows this place better than me and knows of my abilities too. He can plan it, I asked him. He told me I was free to tag along with you. Come on, let me come along.

That how they were now starting at the grave keeper's abandoned home. One was to sleep while the other was on the lookout. The air was turning colder with autumn at the curve of seasons. after his shift at 12 am, Lan Zhan had retreated to his assigned quarters. There was some sort of anticipation in him. It took him a few moments to realise why. Wei Ying was on the lookout and likely to come to his roof but the roof was a bit fraying away. surely, he wouldn't play at it.

He didn't. All night. Half the night passed and Lan Wangji decided to meditate instead of sleep. the sound of footfalls was there, outside the door instead of the roof. Lan Wangji wondered if Wei Ying needed something. After an hour of pacing, he walked away. Closer to the time of his shift he looked around for some spare clean water and cleaned himself mildly and headed out at exactly 5 in the morning.

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