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S: hey
???: oh hey neighbor
S: meet me in the cafeteria in 5 minutes. We need to talk
???: why
???: listen Stormi I didn't do anything. I told Ray not to tell anyone.
S: it doesn't matter. He's still spreading rumors about shit that isn't fucking true. Look whatever your name is I don't want my life to be ruined and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want your name on a sex offenders list.
???: ok my name is Caleb and Stormi you know I'm not a sex offender.
S: your spending around child pornography you dumb fuck
C: but we're under 18. Children can't make child pornography.
S: try googling it
C: I'm not googling child pornograph the fuck.
S: ok then
C: go to the police or something if it's really that serious
S: I don't fuck with the police for the wrong reason. Oh you know what I'll just get my dad. Yeah you know that like 6'2 guy, buff, gets angry a lot-
C: ok ok what do you need help with?
S: first for you to tell everyone that rumor isn't true
C: done
S: and for you to tell Ray that you were talking about some other chick
C: ok done. Anything else?
S: and for you to bring me a donut after school
C: see now you doin to much
S: I'll go get my dad.
I smirked
C: ok jeez

C: Stormi and Maddie? Nah it was some other bitches I saw off of pornhub or some shit. I was high at the time.
???: i swear you said it was Stormi and Maddie
C: I did but I mixed those bitches up

And by the end of the week it was like it never happened. Until...

???: Stormi Polibio and Maddie Mycay, please report to the principal's office.
S: shit...

Principal- P

P: I've heard of a very disturbing rumor that's going around.
M: about what.
P: there's this rumor of you two in gaged in sexual activity, or to something in that affect that is being shared amongst students
S: if it's about Ray saying that it was us it wasn't. Caleb made that clear Principal Haz.
P: will not be believing you at this time, Ms. Polibio until we get more information.
S: oh so your just gonna be that way. Yeah ok.
P: I'm just going to make this clear. I haven't personally heard of it from anyone-
S: is because I'm black?

Being dramatic is... fun in some way.

P: what- I- no of course not.
S: because frankly it's offensive. You know it's one thing for my classmates to be racist but from you principal? Just ugh it's a whole other thing. It's degrading, it's discriminatory, and it just goes to show how insidious racism really is in this country. Oh and from my own principle.
P: well I- I can't apologize enough. I will give you my word. I will do anything in my power to end this rumor.
S&M: thank you Principal Haz.

Everything quickly ended and we moved onto the next thing

S: I know right, he sounded so stupid and-
C: yo Stormi!
S: what
C: let me take you out tonight
S: why
C: because
S: I hate you so... no
C: what. Maybe for Pizza or something
S: I'm Vegan sorry.

M: are you actually?
S: no
We laughed

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