Moral Of The Story :part 2:

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/this is probably gonna be a three parter I dunno maybe a two parter cause I'm just writing my usual welcoming but in the mean time enjoy! I have nothing to say so yah, also remember last chapter how their were to be multiple reactions I opted know one else was awake or like had their communicator muted so this is just like techno demand meet up between the two sides and you'll find out the next. Ok only two parts cause I was tired though I might make like an extra chapter but that is if I feel like it so yeh enjoy! :) /

Whenever something important or bad in this case happens you gather everyone in the calmest and nicest way possible well those are the two things techno had no time to feel nor care about. So here we see a pigman hybrid boat back to civilization with his best friends corpse laying ever so still next to him.

/the message , yuh like pudding? /

Technoblade : I don't care what the hell anyone of you has to say, meet up at community house or I will personally hunt you down and tear you apart.

See that is as nice as he could be while dealing with his comrades death and all plus does he look like the kinda person to kind when it comes to someone he cares about getting hurt or killed except he killed him self and techno couldn't stop him he just left him to care for people who only called him the blade......HWY DIDNT HE HELP HE DOULVE RIVHT BUT HE DIDNT HAHHAB HE LEFT HIM HE FLET HIM!?!?

/the spelling errors are intended because I feel like when ever you're majorly thinking it's just gotta be messed up so yeh. How is school is it a: shit b: bad c: good d: I wanna kill everyone and fuck school /

Everyone's communicator suddenly got a message checking it they were all surprised on their own levels their was a message or in another case a threat from Technoblade? Why they had all wondered individually but never the less they went but it was mostly cause know one had wanted to die. But boy did they not expect what would come next from that strange meet up at the community house.

Arriving they didn't see techno anywhere so they all just sat around and chatted, each side sending death glares at each other as well as the occasional insult thrown at one another but never the less they waited. In a dangerous yet deadly silence.

"Why the fuck is blade not hear yet!?" A young blond teen asked tommy was seated with Wilbur in a corner of the community house whispering to one another about why techno had suddenly called everyone here. "Well I know that know one knows so how bout yuh shut the fuck up you child. " Schlatt the current president of manburg doing the one thing he liked telling people to shut the fuck up. He spat those words with venom not even trying to hide it.

"WELL EXCUSE YOU, YOU PIECE OF-!" suddenly the door to the community house had flown off its hinges hitting Fundy right into a wall, or well smacking him right into a wall. Everyone turned to see who had kicked down the door or well thrown the door and their in all him mighty glory stood techno, except he was crying and was holding something that was drenched in blood. The terrifying yet beautiful liquid that had been drenched over the lands painting it as it's own disastrous artwork.

"Hey techno uhh....why do you have a bloody thing by chance and why are you crying?? Is the bloody thing why you are crying by chance?" The curious yet frightened musician asked seeing his comrade stand their with a bloody lump in his arms while crying, it isn't exactly what someone would see on a normal occasion. Especially when the one crying is the well know Blood God.

"Shut the hell up" a short yet deadly response it was short yet it tolled who ever they were talking to, to not even udder a single word. "Uhh...techno not to be rude but who is that?" Georgenotfound he was well known yet barely seen he was only seen when he was getting something which some would find to be stupid, and selfish.

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