Welcome to Storybrooke

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A/N: so I always had this idea in my head but never really started writing fanfics until I wrote some for different fandoms a couple of years ago. Its been a while since I last wrote fanfics so please stay with me on this one lmao.

A bit more information about this fic; it follows the show's story- & timeline, i'm gonna try to kinda write in the same style as them, so with occasional flashbacks! It's of course gonna be slightly different because it follows my character Morgan and because of who she is, there will be slightly different dialogue than in the show. It starts off at season 1, when Emma has entered Storybrooke. I do hope I explained it well enough because I am terrible at explaining lol anyway enjoy!!

Chapter 1

Morgan was a normal 16 year old with brown eyes and long waist length dark hair who lived in the quiet town of Storybrooke. She lived with her guardian Mr. Gold, who adopted her after... well she didn't quite remember and frankly, she was happy now and didn't need to remember the past. The only thing she got from her parents was a golden necklace with a pendant shaped like a wide tree with a ring around it .

She was busy in Gold's shop, cleaning the glass cases when suddenly her phone started ringing like crazy. She raises an eyebrow and checks who's been calling her... for the fifth time apparently. She quickly picks up her phone.

"Hi this is Morgan speaking." She says as she continues cleaning.

"Finally!" The person on the other side of the line says. "I've been calling you for ages!" It takes a while for Morgan to recognise who it is, but then she realizes it's the mayor. By the tone of her voice she sounds a bit worried, although mostly annoyed.

"Madame Mayor? What's wrong?"

"Is Henry with you? I can't find him anywhere!" She practically yells. Morgan immediately stops cleaning and listens carefully.

"No, I thought you picked him up after school, since you told me you would, madame mayor." Morgan says. She feels slightly guilty now for not picking him up after school like she usually did. But today she had to study for an upcoming exam, and unfortunately watching Henry would mean not focussing on her studies.

"And I did but he wasn't at the school when I arrived, I figured he must have walked back home with you!" Regina says angrily. Morgan sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. Where could he be?

"Alright... well I didn't tell him that so he lied. I'll have a look around town and call you if I see anything." Morgan says as she already grabs her coat.

"No that's fine, Morgan. I'll call the sheriff." And before Morgan can say anything, the mayor ends the call. Morgan rolls her eyes and puts her phone away.

"Gold, I'm going out. See you later!" She yells and hears him murmur something in the back but doesn't say anything. Then she whistles and her dog is immediately right beside her. Her dog was a beautiful fully black german shepherd called 'Lady'. Mr. Gold gave Lady to Morgan on her birthday a few years ago, and they have been inseparable ever since. "Let's go find Henry." She says to Lady and Lady wags her tail, excited to go on a walk.

They checked the school again, the diner and even his castle which even the mayor didn't know about, but Henry was nowhere to be found. Morgan started to worry for real now, and would have kept looking if it wasn't already late. It was already dark outside and she still had studying to do. Deciding she didn't want to go missing, she went back home.

On her way there, she walked past the Mayor's house and noticed Henry in the window, looking out to the street. Morgan sighed with relief and waved at him. He waved back with a big smile on his face which made Morgan curious, what did the little boy do and where was he at all that time?

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