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Sometimes memories sneak out the eyes and roll down the cheeks.



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Standing in the balcony by the support of railing, both were looking at the dark sky where the stars were twinkling.

"How is life?" She asked looking at his hand. She chuckled at the irony that once, he couldn't keep his hands away from her and today, he is not even sparing a glance at her.

"Its going on." He said with a sarcastic chuckle leaning on the railing.

"Want to have coffee?" He asked making her nod her head in positive.

"Can I make it?" She asked, hesitant. He nodded in positive and before he could show her the way, she stopped him.

"I know." She said smiling a little while he shook his head following her inside the kitchen.

"Aarav, where is sugar?" Aira asked while Aarav just hummed nuzzling his head in her neck making her arch her back in pleasure.

"Stop it Aarav." She said wriggling as his hand travelled inside her top squeezing her just beneath her bosoms.

"Don't do it." She said closing her eyes while he just hummed again and in a swift turned the flame off and took her in his arms.

"I love you." He said smiling rubbing his nose with her making her smile as she pecked his jaw wrapping her hands around his neck.

"I love you too." She whispered pecking over his lips making him smile.

They both looked at each other as her eyes again pooled up with the past memories.She was hating her weak emotional self and all she did was blame her periods for this. Aarav cursed under his breath as he looked at her tears.

"Not again Aira." He said making her look away from him.

"If not for me, we would have been at a better situation atleast." She said making him sigh as he pulled out a pan keeping it on the flame.

Aarav had proposed Aira when she was 17 and she had immediately gave a positive response as she always had a crush on him. They had a smooth 2 year relationship but everything changed after Aira got into engineering college. Though, she tried her best to give him time but something or the other will always make her stuck.

With constant efforts, they both finally overcame the differences.

It was just another day when Aira got free from her college early and decided to surprise Aarav.

"You know Aarav and Pia look so good together. Just like made for each other." As she entered the college cafeteria, she listened everyone talking these but she ignored those and asked Ankit about Aarav who told her that he is in the auditorium.

As she entered in the auditorium, her eyes bulged out as her eyes fell on Aarav who had Pia in his arms while he was looking at her lovingly. Her heart broke at the moment when she noticed a red lipstick mark on his T-Shirt.

"The first time I saw you, I fell for you and I am still falling. Just give us a chance and let the magic happen." He said sliding Pia's hairs behind her ears while Aira's tears threatened to fall as her heart stopped beating for a moment. She felt manipulated and used. She wiped away her tears when she saw Aarav eyes falling on her and left from there passing him a hateful glance.

Aarav who was happiest a second before after seeing her starred at her retreating figure in confusion and followed her to the parking.

As he touched her shoulders she winced as if his touch burnt her.

"Don't even touch me you cheat." She shouted glaring at him making his heart break but still he tried explaining himself.

"You are taking it all wrong Aira. It was just." But before he could complete she cut him off.

"I am taking it all right now only. I don't even know how much face you have hid behind your facade of a good boy. You are nothing but a playboy who loves playing with others emotion. I loved you with every cell of my body and what you did to me. You cheated on me. I hate you Aarav. I regret loving you. I regret it. I don't even want to see your face. " She said and wiped away her tears harshly.

"This was your faith and trust on me. Just Wow. It wouldn't have hurted much of you questioned me but here you came on conclusion. You don't want to see my face, ok fine. You won't see it again. Good bye." He said and left from there. It took her a minute to understand everything and then she left for a peace of mind.

Everything projected in her mind as she looked at him. How can she doubt on this human being who did nothing but gave her all his love. Even after she hurted him, he still loved her. She felt like the worst human being and even a worst lover. She claimed of loving him and she couldn't even trust him.


Finally the past is out.



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