34 | Before We Fall

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Chapter thirty-four

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Chapter thirty-four

"Let's-" The last of Jungkook's words fell short, two strong hands coming to grip Taehyung's arms and push him aside. The omega felt the gasp tear from his lungs, shoulder hitting the grass below, but the wince never came because he glanced up from where the alpha had shoved him, eyes widening when he saw his lover knocked back into the hedges, the canopy of trees shaking their leaves when his body collided with it.

It took mere seconds for Taehyung to respond, his feet scrambling quickly to pull himself up and then he was pushing through the broken branches, paying no mind to the thorns that teared through his robes or skin.

"Jungkook!" He yelled the name of his lover, stilling at the sight of another brown wolf towering over Jungkook.

It was a fury of loud bellows, flashes of claws and the alpha grunted as the wolf's large body collided with his, its jaw widened in attack, snapping at his neck but he swung his arm in the way, letting its teeth sink into the thick leather of his wrist guards.

"Don't come closer, Taehyung!" Jungkook called out, grabbing the dagger from his side, and plunging it into the wolf's neck, its blood pouring down over his mouth, making him cough.

The animal's jaw went slack, and his teeth were no longer sinking into the leather wrapped around Jungkook's wrist. Its body fell to the ground with a loud thud, a massive, thick puddle of blood was spreading over the grass, pooling under his head, and soaking into his brown coat.

The alpha slowly lifted his head up, eyes landing on Taehyung's shocked face, seeing the grimace of pure terror and confusion. Jungkook wiped off the droplets of blood that had smeared over his chin and cheeks, raising up on his feet. He ran up to the omega, eyes surveying all over his body for any signs of trouble.

"Are you okay?" The alpha asked, one hand going up to cup the side of Taehyung's face and scrub off the dirt on his cheek.

Reluctantly, the omega nodded his head, gulping harshly the dry lump that had lodged in his throat. "A-are you?" He stammered; a wave of relief washed over his body when he saw Jungkook nodding his head in what seemed to be a positive response.

The alpha looked around their surroundings, one arm draped protectively over the omega's trembling shoulders, senses alert and inner wolf ready to attack. In the distance, the shallow screams and howls could be heard, piercing through the air like the hooting of an owl.

"We have to get back to the pack, now!" The urgence in Jungkook's voice didn't go unnoticed by the petrified omega. There was a glint of worry in the alpha's eyes, the need to be there for his comrades and pack members advising him to run in the direction of the screams.

In the next moment, they were running through the forest. Jungkook never let go of Taehyung's hand, no matter how hard it was to make his way through the web of bushes and branches. The growls and painful screams got louder, too loud for their linking. The alpha could hear panting, claws along the ground and the scent of bloodlust, proving this was more a game than actual will to win a war.

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